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Plot multiple x axes on the bottom of a graph

4 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Zachary Towner
Zachary Towner am 1 Sep. 2022
I have three unique n x 2 matricies (ex. A, B, and C). The values in the first column have common units and the same range, but the range of values in the second are different for each matrix. I want to plot the independent variable (n) on the y-axis and the dependent variables on the x-axis. However, the dependent variables range in values that are incompatible to one another and thus they need their own x-axis. Further, I want to put all x-axes on bottom of the graph. An example from the web of what I'm trying to do is posted below. I will also need to add axes labels, which is not shown in the example picture. Is anyone aware of how to do this? I'm using R2020b. Has anyone been able to do this prior or know of a way to do this?

Antworten (1)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson am 2 Sep. 2022
You should have some good use of a couple of such tools from the file exchange:
The last two seems to only give you multiple y-axes - but they might be straightforward to modify, the first seems to be exactly what you ask for.


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