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Contour plot of a function

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
University Glasgow
University Glasgow am 1 Sep. 2022
Kommentiert: Torsten am 1 Sep. 2022
Please someone should with a contour plot of a p for various values of xi and H. For instance, H=0..3, and xi=2.0..0.0, where H is the x-axis, xi is the y-axis and p is the height of the contour. I need r to compute p, that is why write the expression for r.
for i = 1:m
q = x +i*y;
+ ((chi_a*H.^2*alpha)./(4*k1*q.^2/d^2-alpha3*xi/eta1 - chi_a*H.^2)).*tan(q);
for i=1:m
p(i) = gamma1*alpha/(4*k1*(r(i).^2)/d^2-alpha3*xi/eta1);

Antworten (1)

Torsten am 1 Sep. 2022
Bearbeitet: Torsten am 1 Sep. 2022
H = 0:0.01:3;
XI = 0:0.01:2;
for i=1:numel(H)
h = H(i);
for j=1:numel(XI)
xi = XI(j);
for k=1:m
q = x +k*y;
r = q-(1-alpha)*tan(q)+(alpha3*xi*alpha/eta1)./(4*k1*q.^2/d^2-alpha3*xi/eta1).*tan(q)...
+ ((chi_a*H.^2*alpha)./(4*k1*q.^2/d^2-alpha3*xi/eta1 - chi_a*H.^2)).*tan(q);
p(i,j,k) = gamma1*alpha/(4*k1*(r^2)/d^2-alpha3*xi/eta1);
Now p is 3-dimensional instead of 2-dimensional as required for a contour plot. What now ?
  5 Kommentare
Torsten am 1 Sep. 2022
So you have x1, x2, H and xi given over an interval of values and thus r (resp. p) depending on 4 parameters. If you want to plot a surface over H and xi, you must set x1 and x2 to a constant value and do the same for H and xi what you did for x1 and x2 in your code from above.
Torsten am 1 Sep. 2022
@University Glasgow comment moved here:
Okay, thank you

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