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I got an error when I export the data in scan mode to excel file in Simbiology

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I got an error when I use the scan mode to run Simbiology in order to export the data to excel file as follows: "Datasheet export failed with error: The data block starting at cell "A6" exceeds the sheet boundaries by 23020187 row(s) and 0 Column (s). This problem occured when I use the new version of MATLAB 2022a. I drag the results (scalar) to the new data sheet and it showed up in the new data sheet. However, I cannot export it to excel file. Could anyone give me any suggestions how to solve this issue?
Thank you for your assistance.
Kind reagards,
Teerachat Saeheng
  4 Kommentare
Florian Augustin
Florian Augustin am 23 Mai 2022
Hi Walter,
Good point. Scalar observables on SimData vectors can be exported as follows:
% Assuming the results variable was exported from the
% SimBiology Model Analyzer as decribed in my previous comment.
scalarObs = vertcat(results.ScalarObservables);
writetable(scalarObs, "obs.csv");
This table will probably be shorter than exporting all time-dependent data in the SimData vectors. If the length of the SimData is less than the max. number of allowed rows in Excel spreadsheets, then the file extension .xlsx can be used.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 24 Mai 2022
Ah, I did not know that scalar had special meaning in this context.

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