to find zero crossing rate for a signal

3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Amit am 21 Jan. 2015
Kommentiert: Ced am 21 Jan. 2015
hello, i have following data and i want to find ZERO CROSSING RATE for the following:
A=[34.157226 -35.159323 35.459952 -34.057017 -32.704186 -33.180182 -32.22819 -32.403557 -32.303347 -32.253243 -32.578924 -32.253243 -32.428609 -31.777247 -31.927561 -32.403557 -31.60188 32.12798 -31.952613 31.60188 -31.351355 -32.153033 31.201041 -30.324206 -30.975569 -30.975569 -30.900412 -31.877456 -31.226093 -32.22819 -32.353452 -32.378505 -32.203138 -32.102928 -32.729238 -33.606073 -32.654081 -33.68123 -34.307541 35.259533 35.284585 35.660372 35.635319 35.33469 6.186472 -36.912993 -38.115509 -38.566452 -38.566452 -38.741819 -39.593601 -40.971484 -41.422428 -42.825363 -42.825363 -42.624944 -43.351464 44.328508 44.278403 -44.278403 45.480919 46.232492 -46.883855 46.984064 -47.009117 -48.28679 ]
would anyone help me out???

Akzeptierte Antwort

Ced am 21 Jan. 2015
Sure... it's 0, because your signal is always negative.
  2 Kommentare
Amit am 21 Jan. 2015
but let me change the question sorry.please see it now.
Ced am 21 Jan. 2015
Do you know the formula for the zero crossing rate?
Try to fill in this function:
function rate = zero_crossing_rate(signal)
signal = signal(:);
T = length(signal);
% % Enter the function from wikipedia here
rate = ...
Hints: The simplest way would be to create a for loop and check the (s_t*s_{t-1}<0) property.

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