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How to update automatically the size of the output array in workspace after each code run?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
When i run the code for the first time with the specified condition i get the solution (desiredLLP and desiredPV) which are 1x144 arrays (144 solutions).
If I change the conition in the highlithed if loop and make the interval smaller, I got for example 20 solutions but the problem is that the desiredLLP and desiredPV in workspace don't change their size to 1x20; they keep the size 1x144, so i get the first 20 solutions corrent, and the remaining elements of the array are values from the previous solution unless I delete the arrays manually from workspace before running the code.
This is the first problem. The second one, if i make the condition " if LLP(m)==0.5 "or any other value which is whithin the limits, I get the error "Undefined function or variable 'desiredLLP' " It worls only with the condition >=, <=, < or >

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 7 Jan. 2022
desiredLLP = []; desiredPV = [];
before the for m loop.
  4 Kommentare
ilyes louahem m'sabah
ilyes louahem m'sabah am 8 Jan. 2022
This code without loop worked perfectly. Would you please explain it?
Thank you very much for your support.

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