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Working with fortran Mex files on Mac OS

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Vahagn Davtyan
Vahagn Davtyan am 17 Dez. 2021
Kommentiert: Vahagn Davtyan am 20 Dez. 2021
I have MEX files, which are designed to work on Windows 10 and I am using a macbook so, when I want to make them work on mac by runing this script file:
for file = dir('*.F')'
mex('-largeArrayDims',, '-outdir',folder_name)
I get this error message:
Error using mex
No supported compiler was found. For options, visit
Error in do_mex (line 6)
mex('-largeArrayDims',, '-outdir',folder_name)
Here, I am also attaching the MEX_files, if anyone could make them to work on mac I would be very grateful.
  2 Kommentare
Rik am 17 Dez. 2021
Which compiler did you try to install? And which release are you using?
Vahagn Davtyan
Vahagn Davtyan am 20 Dez. 2021
Hi Rik,
I am using Matlab R2020b I tried the solution provided by Yongjian Feng, but it didn't work for me.

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Antworten (1)

Yongjian Feng
Yongjian Feng am 17 Dez. 2021
Bearbeitet: Yongjian Feng am 17 Dez. 2021
Try this answer.
  1 Kommentar
Vahagn Davtyan
Vahagn Davtyan am 18 Dez. 2021
I tried it, but it doesn't work for me. I use matlab R2020b and macos 12.0.1 (Monterey)

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