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F28379D Embedded coder_Sawtooth Wave generation

1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
Raja am 29 Nov. 2021
Kommentiert: Raja am 30 Nov. 2021
Hello community,
I am trying to generate sawtooth and Triangular waveform without using up, down and Up-down counter in TMS F28379Dprocessor. Any suggestions plzzz. I need to use Traingular form along withlogic gates for generating pulses.

Antworten (1)

Pemendra Kumar Pardhi
Pemendra Kumar Pardhi am 30 Nov. 2021
Hello Raja,
To generate sawtooth and triangular waveform,
You can try using the Discrete-time alternatives for Repeating Sequence such as,
  1. Repeating Sequence Interpolated
  2. Repeating Sequence Stair
More details follow he given link
  1 Kommentar
Raja am 30 Nov. 2021
Hello Permendra.... thankyou for the response.Yes you are right when it is in open loop. When we go for closed loop with interrupt block as shown below, these things will not workout. Yes whatever you said is correct without this interrupt block

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