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Greek alphabet and latex commands [not a question]

Oleg Komarov
Oleg Komarov am 30 Aug. 2011
Capital letters are obtained by capitalizing the LaTeX command for the lowercase version. Capital letters in grey are exceptions which have no LaTeX commands. For example, to produce a capital chi simply type X (this also applies for the lowercase omicron).
When two versions of the lowercase letter are available, a var prefix can be added to obtain the second version. For example, the two versions of epsilon are \epsilon and \varepsilon.
The code used to generate the table:
greeks = ...
{'ALPHA' 'A' '\alpha'
'BETA' 'B' '\beta'
'GAMMA' '\Gamma' '\gamma'
'DELTA' '\Delta' '\delta'
'EPSILON' 'E' {'\epsilon','\varepsilon'}
'ZETA' 'Z' '\zeta'
'ETA' 'H' '\eta'
'THETA' '\Theta' {'\theta','\vartheta'}
'IOTA' 'I' '\iota'
'KAPPA' 'K' '\kappa'
'LAMBDA' '\Lambda' '\lambda'
'MU' 'M' '\mu'
'NU' 'N' '\nu'
'XI' '\Xi' '\xi'
'OMICRON' 'O' 'o'
'PI' '\Pi' {'\pi','\varpi'}
'RHO' 'P' {'\rho','\varrho'}
'SIGMA' '\Sigma' {'\sigma','\varsigma'}
'TAU' 'T' '\tau'
'UPSILON' '\Upsilon' '\upsilon'
'PHI' '\Phi' {'\phi','\varphi'}
'CHI' 'X' '\chi'
'PSI' '\Psi' '\psi'
'OMEGA' '\Omega' '\omega'};
h = figure('units','pixels','pos',[300,100,620,620],'Color','w');
'Xtick',[],'Ytick',[],'Xlim',[0 6],'Ylim',[0,4]);
% Loop by column and row
for r = 1:4
for c = 1:6
el = (r-1)*6 + c;
% Title
% Color cap latter in grey or black
if strcmp(greeks{el,2}(1),'\')
clr = [0, 0, 0];
clr = [0.65, 0.65, 0.65];
% Cap letter
text(c-0.5,4.87-r,['$\rm{' greeks{el,2} '}$'],'Fonts',40,...
% Lowercase letter/s (if two variants)
if iscell(greeks{el,3})
text(c-0.75,4.48-r,['$' greeks{el,3}{1} '$'],'Fonts',20,...
text(c-0.25,4.48-r,['$' greeks{el,3}{2} '$'],'Fonts',20,...
% Latex command
text(c-0.5,4.3-r,['\' greeks{el,3}{1}],'Fonts',12,'FontN','FixedWidth',...
text(c-0.5,4.48-r,['$' greeks{el,3} '$'],'Fonts',20,...
text(c-0.5,4.3-r,['\' greeks{el,3}],'Fonts',12,'FontN','FixedWidth',...
% Print to pdf
export_fig greeks.pdf
The link to export_fig.
And here is the link to the pdf on scribd:

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