How to calculate integral of a function ?

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Captain Singh
Captain Singh am 5 Aug. 2014
Kommentiert: Captain Singh am 6 Aug. 2014
Hello Friends, I am new for matlab, I want to calculate a integral but I don't know, how should I do it exactly. My matlab code is here:
clear all;
format long;
T = 0.6;
m = 3.00;
kmin = 1.0;
kmax = 10.0;
fun = @(k) k.^2/exp(sqrt(k.^2 + m.^2)/T) + 1;
q = int (fun,kmin,kmax);
When I execute the program I got error message:
*??? Undefined function or
method 'int' for input
arguments of type
Error in ==> nudenNccbar at 14
q = int (fun,kmin,kmax);*_ *
Please help me to short out the problem. Thank you.

Akzeptierte Antwort

Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein am 6 Aug. 2014
Bearbeitet: Michael Haderlein am 6 Aug. 2014
The function is quad, quadl, or quadgk:
fun = @(k) k.^2./exp(sqrt(k.^2 + m.^2)/T) + 1;
ans = 9.0267
ans = 9.0268
ans = 9.0268
Please note that a "." was missing in your equation (before the "/").

Weitere Antworten (1)

Christopher Berry
Christopher Berry am 5 Aug. 2014
The function name that you are looking for is integral not int. Changing this should get your code working. You can see the documentation for usage or examples here:
  1 Kommentar
Captain Singh
Captain Singh am 6 Aug. 2014
Firstly I had used "integral" but it didn't work. The error message was the same as above.

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