To fit power law
3 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
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I want to fit power law on my data (Data attached here - Data.txt file). I have the following code:
f = fit(A(:,1),A(:,2),ft)
But this is not fitting my data with the power law. Could you please check what is the problem? I guess, my data is not starting from zero. I think, I have to normalize it(I am not sure). When I use fitoptions to normalize, it is not working!
I tried to fit by taking log on both sides because y=A*x^m log(y)=log(A)+m*log(x)
[f gof] = fit(A(:,1),log(A(:,2)),ft)
still it is giving the wrong fit!!! just a horizontal straight line! Please help me.
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Antworten (1)
Miroslav Balda
am 16 Jun. 2014
If you plot the given vectors by the statement semilogy(A(:,1),A(:,2),':o'),you observe that the pure power function does not fit well the measured data, because the plotted points are not on a straight line (in semilogy axes). It would need more complicated function. Mira
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