how to see the typed letter in GUI

2 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
Pat am 22 Apr. 2014
Kommentiert: Walter Roberson am 22 Apr. 2014
I have acode below (in key press function) GUI
password = get(handles.edit1,'String');
key = get(handles.figure1,'currentkey');
switch key
case 'backspace'
password = password(1:end-1); % Delete the last character in the password
password = [password get(handles.figure1,'currentcharacter')] % Add the typed character to the password
SizePass = size(password) % Find the number of asterisks
if SizePass(2) > 0
asterisk(1,1:SizePass(2)) = '*'; % Create a string of asterisks the same size as the password
set(handles.edit1,'String',asterisk) % Set the text in the password edit box to the asterisk string
I have created a GUI with one edit boxThe above code is to mask the typed letter in edit box into asterisk,but i cannot see the typed password,then the variable password ,if i have typed 123 in edit box,the edit box show 3 asterisk but in that variable password it shows **3,y i get like this

Akzeptierte Antwort

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 22 Apr. 2014
Reading or changing the String of an edit handle gives odd results in a key press function callback.
I think Yair has a way of getting it to work using Java.
You may wish to look in the File Exchange for password boxes.
  4 Kommentare
Pat am 22 Apr. 2014
Actually walter i have seen all these and have taken code that only,it was a dialogue box that pops up for asking input,but i created edit box in gui and have made changed over tere..but have some problem in it
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 22 Apr. 2014
You have your code set password to get() the String of the edit box, and you do that every time you go through the callback. You have been changing the edit box to display '*' as you go, so the next time through the callback it is those '*' that are going to be there to be pulled out by your get() of the 'String' property.
If you look at the contribution I linked to above, notice that they initialize password differently:
password = get(h,'Userdata');
That is, the real characters of the password are being stored in the UserData field as you go, and at the end when the user is ready go on, you would get() the UserData field for the completed password. Of course you need to store the characters into the UserData as you go; the contribution does that.

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