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How do I use regular expression to match the last character of a sentence?

23 Ansichten (letzte 30 Tage)
I want to use regular expression to match the last character of a sentence as ".", "!" or "?". A sentence that has any of these characters as the last character is to be copied into a file for further processing.
  4 Kommentare
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson am 25 Feb. 2014
English can be ambiguous about where sentences end, in that it uses "." for abbreviations as well as for ending the sentence.
"Sing, Mr. Prefect, sing Row Row Row, etc., and dance as you do."
The "." after "Mr." does not end the sentence, and neither does the "." after "etc" .
Adekunle Obasa
Adekunle Obasa am 26 Feb. 2014
Thanks all. The sentences have been determined. All those issues have been considered in getting out the sentences

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Akzeptierte Antwort

Jacob Halbrooks
Jacob Halbrooks am 25 Feb. 2014
Here's a regular expression that might be helpful, which matches if the last character in the string is "." or "!" or "?".
>> candidate = 'Is this a sentence?';
>> regexp(candidate, '.*(\.|!|?)$')

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