why can't I get a vector as an output while using a constant in the function handle ?
1 Ansicht (letzte 30 Tage)
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I define the following constant function
and I define the following vector
z=[1 2; 3 4; 5 6];
I want to evaluate the function f using feval
my question is that why can't I get the output as a vector instead of a scalar ?
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Antworten (2)
Azzi Abdelmalek
am 5 Feb. 2014
Bearbeitet: Azzi Abdelmalek
am 5 Feb. 2014
Because that's what your function do, the result is always 0, it's independent of your inputs
5 Kommentare
Azzi Abdelmalek
am 5 Feb. 2014
Bearbeitet: Azzi Abdelmalek
am 5 Feb. 2014
I will give you a mathematical example
The output is always 10, give any value for t, the output will not change
The same for your function
The result is independent of x and y, the result will be always 0. you can connect the size of your output to your input by
f=@(x,y) zeros(size(x))
f=@(x,y) x*0
Walter Roberson
am 5 Feb. 2014
f = @(x,y) zeros(size(x));
1 Kommentar
Walter Roberson
am 5 Feb. 2014
If you want to execute a function once for each input in a vector, you can use arrayfun
arrayfun(f, z(:,1), z(:,2))
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