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Measure voltages and currents specified in dialog boxes of Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems blocks

  • Multimeter block

Simscape / Electrical / Specialized Power Systems / Sensors and Measurements


This block measures the voltages and currents specified in the Measurements parameter of Simscape™ Electrical™ Specialized Power Systems blocks in your model. Choosing voltages or currents through the Multimeter block is equivalent to connecting an internal voltage or current measurement block inside your blocks.

Polarity of Measured Voltages and Currents

The polarity of the measured voltages and current is determined by the + and - terminals of the measured Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems blocks. The following table identifies the positive terminals of the Simscape Electrical Specialized Power Systems blocks that do not have the + sign to identify block polarity.

For three-phase transformers, the voltage polarities and positive current directions are indicated by the signal labels used in the Multimeter block. For example, Uan_w2 = phase A-to-neutral voltage of the Y connected winding #2 and Iab_w1 = winding current flowing from A to B in the delta-connected winding #1.

The Multimeter block is not designed to be used in a model that contains more than one powergui block.


The power_compensated example uses a Multimeter block to measure the voltage across the secondary winding of a Saturable Transformer block and the currents flowing through two Series RLC Load blocks.

The output of the Multimeter block is connected to a Scope block in order to display the measurements during the simulation. In addition, you can select the Plot Output Measurements at simulation stop parameter to display a plot of selected measurements when simulation stops.

Open the Multimeter block dialog box and select the signals you want to observe, as described in the Parameters section. Notice the labels used to define the available measurements in the Multimeter block. For a description of these labels, see the reference section of the Saturable Transformer block and Series RLC Load block.

Start the simulation. After 0.4 seconds, the simulation stops and a MATLAB® figure window opens to display the selected measurements in the Multimeter block.


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To edit block parameters interactively, use the Property Inspector. From the Simulink® Toolstrip, on the Simulation tab, in the Prepare gallery, select Property Inspector.

Available measurements in the Multimeter block. Click Select to select measurements from the list. When you select a measurement, the measurement moves from the Available Measurements list to the Output Measurements list. Click Refresh to refresh the list of available measurements.

The measurements in the list are identified by the name of the block where the measurement is done. The type of measurement (voltage measurement, current measurement, or flux) is defined by a label preceding the block name. For more information, see the Measurements parameter description in the Parameters section of blocks in your model.

Measurements output by the block. You can reorder the measurements by using the Up, Down, and Remove buttons. The +/– button allows you to reverse the polarity of a selected measurement.

Select to display a plot of selected measurements in a MATLAB figure window. The plot is generated when the simulation stops.

Specifies the format of the output signals when the block is used in a phasor simulation.

Set to Complex (default) to output the selected measurements as complex values. The outputs are complex signals.

Set to Real-Imag to output the real and imaginary parts of the measurements. For each selected measurement, the multimeter outputs the real and imaginary parts.

Set to Magnitude-Angle to output the magnitude and angle of the selected measurements. For each selected measurement, the multimeter outputs the magnitude and angle values.

Set to Magnitude to output the magnitude of the selected measurements.


To enable this parameter, in the Powergui block, set the Solver type parameter to Phasor.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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