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Drop select frame variables from the KinematicsSolver object


removeFrameVariables(ks,ids) drops from the KinematicsSolver object ks the frame variables named in ids. Frame variables capture the transforms between any two given frames. Use this function to remove just a subset of frame variables if they become obsolete. Variables of the same type and in the same group must be removed together.

The output is an updated table with the frame variables—those that remain—in rows. Each row gives the ID of a variable, the base frame against which its transform is defined, the follower frame which the transform describes, and the unit for its numerical value.

Frame and joint variables comprise the whole of kinematic variables in a KinematicsSolver object. They can function as targets to constrain the multibody configuration for which to solve the unknowns, as guesses to bias the solution toward one of equally plausible alternatives when several exist, and as outputs—the unknowns in the analysis.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Kinematics solver object, specified as a KinematicsSolver object that is the representation of the Simscape™ Multibody™ model used for kinematic analysis.

Example: ks = simscape.multibody.KinematicsSolver("DoublePendulumExample​'​')

Identifiers of the kinematic variables, specified as either a cell array of characters or string vector. The cell array of character and string vector can be 1-by-N or N-by-1, where N is a positive integer. Use the jointPositionVariables or jointVelocityVariables object function to show the IDs for joint variables. Use the frameVariables object function to show the IDs for frame variables.

Example: "j1.Rz.q", ["j1.Rz.q", "j2.Rz.q"], {'j1.Rz.q'}, or {'j1.Rz.q'; 'j2.Rz.q'};

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

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