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Personal Area Networking (PAN) Connection Fails


The PAN connection between your computer and the Parrot® minidrone fails.


Try these options sequentially until the connection is established:

  1. If you are connecting to Parrot Rolling Spider, follow the steps in Add a Parrot Rolling Spider Minidrone to a Windows System and Set Up a Bluetooth PAN Connection for Parrot Rolling Spider, and click the pairing prompt every time it appears.

    If you are connecting to Parrot Mambo, follow the steps in Add a Parrot Mambo Minidrone to a Windows System and Set Up a Bluetooth NAP Connection for Parrot Mambo.

  2. Perform these steps:

    1. Open Windows Explorer and click This PC/ My Computer.

    2. In the Devices and drives/ Other Devices section, double-click My Bluetooth Devices.

    3. From the list of available devices, right-click the minidrone, and select Remove Device from the menu.

      For example, for Parrot Rolling Spider:

    4. Connect the minidrone again by following the steps in Add a Parrot Rolling Spider Minidrone to a Windows System and Set Up a Bluetooth PAN Connection for Parrot Rolling Spider, or Add a Parrot Mambo Minidrone to a Windows System and Set Up a Bluetooth NAP Connection for Parrot Mambo.

See Also

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