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Output Port

Connection block from RF physical blocks to Simulink environment

  • Output Port block

RF Blockset / Equivalent Baseband / Input / Output Ports


The Output Port block produces the baseband-equivalent time-domain response of an input signal traveling through a series of RF physical components. The Output Port block

  1. Partitions the RF physical components into linear and nonlinear subsystems.

  2. Extracts the complex impulse response of the linear subsystem for baseband-equivalent modeling of the RF linear system.

  3. Extracts the nonlinear AMAM/AMPM modeling for RF nonlinearity.

The Output Port block also serves as a connecting port from an RF physical part of the model to the Simulink®, or mathematical, part of the model. For more information about how the Output Port block converts the physical modeling environment signals to mathematical Simulink signals, see Convert to and from Simulink Signals.


Some RF blocks require the sample time to perform baseband modeling calculations. To ensure the accuracy of these calculations, the Input Port block, as well as the mathematical RF blocks, compare the input sample time to the sample time you provide in the mask. If they do not match, or if the input sample time is missing because the blocks are not connected, an error message appears.


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Main Tab

Load impedance of the RF network described in the physical model to which it connects, specified as scalar in ohms.

Visualization Tab

Frequency data source in specified based on one of the following:

  • When Source of frequency data is Derived from Input Port parameter, frequency data source will be derived from the parameters set on the Input Port.

  • When Source of frequency data is User-specified, specify as a vector of frequencies in the Frequency data parameter.

Frequency data range, specified as a vector in hertz.


To enable this parameter, set User-specified in Source of amplifier gain.

Reference impedance of the coaxial transmission line, specified as a scalar in ohms.

Type of data plot that you want to produce with your data specified as:

  • X-Y plane — Generate a Cartesian plot of your data versus frequency. To create linear, semi-log, or log-log plots, set the Y scale and X scale accordingly.

  • Composite data—The composite data plot automatically generates four separate plots in one figure window, showing the frequency dependence of several parameters.

  • Polar plane — Generate a polar plot of your data. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.

  • Z Smith chart, Y Smith chart, and ZY Smith chart — Generate a Smith® chart of your data. The block plots only the range of data corresponding to the specified frequencies.

Type of parameters to plot based on the Plot type you set, specified as one of the following.

Plot typeY parameter1
X-Y planeS11, S12, S21, S22, Gt, GroupDelay, GammaIn, GammaOut, VSWRIn, VSWROut, OIP3, NF, NFactor, and NTemp.
Composite dataNo Y parameter1 to set.
Polar planeS11, S12, S21, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut
Z Smith chartS11, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.
Y Smith chartS11, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.
ZY smith chartS11, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.

Type of parameters to plot based on the Plot type you set, specified as one of the following.

Plot typeY parameter2
X-Y planeS11, S12, S21, S22, Gt, GroupDelay, GammaIn, GammaOut, VSWRIn, VSWROut, OIP3, NF, NFactor, and NTemp.
Composite dataNo Y parameter2 to set.
Polar planeS11, S12, S21, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut
Z Smith chartS11, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.
Y Smith chartS11, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.
ZY smith chartS11, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.

Plot format, specified as one of the following.

Y prarameter1Y format1
S11, S12, S21, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.dB, Magnitude (decibels), Abs, Mag, Magnitude (linear), Angle, Angle(degrees), Angle(radians), Real, Imag, and Imaginary.
GroupDelayns, us, ms, s, and ps.
VSWRIn, VSWROut, and Gt.Magnitude (decibels) and None.
OIP3dBm, dBW, W, and mW.
NF Magnitude (decibels).


To enable Y format1, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Plot format, specified as one of the following.

Y prarameter2Y format2
S11, S12, S21, S22, GammaIn, and GammaOut.dB, Magnitude (decibels), Abs, Mag, Magnitude (linear), Angle, Angle(degrees), Angle(radians), Real, Imag, and Imaginary.
GroupDelayns, us, ms, s, and ps.
VSWRIn, VSWROut, and Gt.Magnitude (decibels) and None.
OIP3dBm, dBW, W, and mW.
NF Magnitude (decibels).


To enable Y format2, set Plot type to X-Y plane.

Parameter, specified as Freq. This parameter determines the data for x-axes on the X-Y plane plot.

Plot format, specified as one of the following Hz, Auto, KHz, MHz, GHz or THz.

Y-axis scale, specified as Linear or Log.

X-axis scale, specified as Linear or Log.

Plot the specified data using the plot button.


The Visualization tab shows parameters for creating plots if you display the Output Port mask after you perform one or more of the following actions:

  • Run a model with two or more blocks between the Input Port block and the Output Port block.

  • Click the Update Diagram button to initialize a model with two or more blocks between the Input Port block and the Output Port block.

For information about plotting, see Create Plots Using Equivalent Baseband Library Blocks.

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Version History

Introduced before R2006a

See Also

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