MAC address
Physical network address of the board
Model Configuration Pane: Hardware Implementation / Simulink or Embedded Coder Hardware Support Package / Hardware board settings / Target hardware resources / Ethernet
Specify the Media Access Control (MAC) address, the physical network address of the board.
Under most circumstances, you do not need to change the MAC address. If you connect more than one board to a single computer so that each address is unique, change the MAC address.
To change the MAC address, specify an address that is different from the address that belongs to any other device attached to your computer. To obtain the MAC address for a specific board, refer to the label affixed to the board or consult the product documentation.
(default)The MAC address must be in the six octet format. For example, DE-AD-BE-EF-FE-ED
Recommended Settings
No recommendation.
Programmatic Use
No programmatic use is available. |
Version History
Introduced in R2016a