Simulate and Generate Structured Text Code for a Stateflow Chart
This example shows how to simulate and generate code for the ControlModule Stateflow® chart from the plcdemo_stateflow_controller
Open the Model
To start the simulation, click Run.
Generate Code
To generate code for the ControlModule chart, use plcgeneratecode. For more information, see plcgeneratecode
generatedfiles = plcgeneratecode('plcdemo_stateflow_controller/ControlModule');
The plcdemo_stateflow_controller consists of stateflow charts to simulate a drive module. The TestHarness chart provides a test scenario of starting, holding, and resetting the drive.
The BehaviorModel chart provides a simple chart to test the ControlModule chart behavior by injecting faults.
The ControlModule chart performs the drive control logic.