Microphone ULA Array
This example shows how to construct and visualize a four-element ULA with custom cardioid microphone elements. Specify the polar pattern frequencies as 500 and 1000 Hz.
Create a microphone element with a cardioid response pattern. Use the default values of the FrequencyVector
freq = [500 1000]; microphone = phased.CustomMicrophoneElement(... 'PolarPatternFrequencies',freq); microphone.PolarPattern= mag2db([... 0.5+0.5*cosd(microphone.PolarPatternAngles);... 0.6+0.4*cosd(microphone.PolarPatternAngles)]);
Plot the polar pattern of the microphone at 0.5 kHz and 1 kHz.
pattern(microphone,freq,[-180:180],0,'CoordinateSystem','polar','Type','powerdb',... 'Normalize',true);
Construct a ULA of custom microphone elements.
array = phased.ULA('NumElements',4,'ElementSpacing',0.5,... 'Element',microphone);
Plot the response of the array at 0.5 kHz and 1 kHz.
pattern(array,freq,[-180:180],0,'CoordinateSystem','polar','Type','powerdb',... 'Normalize',true,'PropagationSpeed',340.0);