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Create an ousterlidar Object and Use Object Properties

You can stream point cloud data from an Ouster® lidar sensor by using an ousterlidar object. After creating the object, you can preview and read point clouds from the supported sensors by using the preview and read object functions, respectively.

Create ousterlidar Object

To create an ousterlidar object, you must specify the model name and the path to a corresponding calibration file for one of these Ouster lidar sensors.

Supported Ouster lidar sensor models:

Ouster ModelValue

OS0-32 sensor


OS1-32 sensor


OS2-32 sensor

OS0-64 sensor"OS0-64"
OS1-64 sensor"OS1-64"
OS2-64 sensor"OS2-64"
OS0-128 sensor"OS0-128"
OS1-128 sensor"OS1-128"
OS2-128 sensor"OS2-128"

Create an ousterlidar object for the OS1-64 sensor model.

obj = ousterlidar("OS1-64","OS1-64G_sample.json")
obj = 
   ousterlidar with properties:

                      Model: 'OS1-64'
            CalibrationFile: 'OS1-64G_sample.json'
                  IPAddress: ''
                       Port: 7502
    NumPointCloudsAvailable: 0
                    Timeout: 10
                  Streaming: 0
                 ReturnMode: {'strongest'}
            FirmwareVersion: 'v2.1.1'
            LidarUDPProfile: 'LEGACY'

Create Object by Specifying Object Properties

You can specify ousterlidar object properties, such as the data port and time out value for the sensor, when creating the object.

You can set these properties at object creation.


UDP data port of the sensor. For more information on the sensor data ports, see the software user manual in the Downloads section on the Ouster website.

Default: 7502


Maximum time, in seconds, to wait for a response from the Ouster lidar sensor.

Default: 10

Create an ousterlidar object for the OS0-64 sensor model, and specify the data port and time out value for the sensor.

obj = ousterlidar("OS0-64","OS0-64G_sample.json", ...
obj = 
   ousterlidar with properties:

                      Model: 'OS0-64'
            CalibrationFile: 'OS0-64G_sample.json'
                  IPAddress: ''
                       Port: 7506
    NumPointCloudsAvailable: 0
                    Timeout: 15
                  Streaming: 0
                 ReturnMode: {'strongest'}
            FirmwareVersion: 'v2.1.1'
            LidarUDPProfile: 'LEGACY'

Use Properties After Object Creation

Most ousterlidar object properties are read-only after object creation, but you can change the value of the Timeout property directly at any time.

Change the time out value of the ousterlidar object obj. View the object properties to verify the change in value.

obj.Timeout = 20;
obj = 
   ousterlidar with properties:

                      Model: 'OS0-64'
            CalibrationFile: 'OS0-64G_sample.json'
                  IPAddress: ''
                       Port: 7506
    NumPointCloudsAvailable: 0
                    Timeout: 20
                  Streaming: 0
                 ReturnMode: {'strongest'}
            FirmwareVersion: 'v2.1.1'
            LidarUDPProfile: 'LEGACY'

While you cannot set the NumPointCloudsAvailable and Streaming property values directly, both are affected by ousterlidar object functions, such as start and stop.

Note that the current NumPointCloudsAvailable and Streaming values of obj are both 0. Start streaming into the object buffer, and then check the value of the Streaming property.

ans =


Stop streaming data. Display the number of point clouds available in the object buffer.

n = obj.NumPointCloudsAvailable
n =


You cannot change the other properties of an ousterlidar object after creation, but you can view them at any time. Display the Model value of obj.

ans =


See Also

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