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Check for unsupported storage class for signal objects

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelChecker.runSignalObjectStorageClassChecks

Check ID: com.mathworks.HDL.ModelAdvisor.runSignalObjectStorageClassChecks

Check whether signal object storage class is 'ExportedGlobal' or 'ImportedExtern' or 'ImportedExternPointer'


This check displays a warning if your model contains signals that have the signal object storage class set to 'ExportedGlobal', 'ImportedExtern', or 'ImportedExternPointer'. The warning message also provides links to those signals that have the signal object storage class set to one of these signal object storage class specifications.

HDL code generation ignores these storage class specifications that you specify in your design, which may sometimes result in conflicting signal names. When you simulate the validation model, HDL Coder™ may generate errors.

Results and Recommended Actions

To fix this warning, click Modify Settings and the code generator replaces those signals that have the signal object storage class specified as ExportedGlobal, ImportedExtern, or ImportedExternPointer to Auto.

See Also

(Embedded Coder)

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