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Specify that the analysis job must be resubmitted without recompilation




-submit-job-from-previous-compilation-results specifies that the Polyspace® analysis must start after the compilation phase with compilation results from a previous analysis. The option is primarily useful when offloading a Polyspace analysis from desktops to remote servers. If a remote analysis stops after compilation, for instance because of communication problems between the server and client computers, use this option. Note that you use this option with the commands in the desktop products (polyspace-bug-finder and polyspace-code-prover) and not the commands in the server products (polyspace-bug-finder-server and polyspace-code-prover-server).

When you perform a remote analysis:

  1. On the local host computer, the Polyspace software performs code compilation and coding rule checking.

  2. The analysis job is then submitted to the MATLAB® job scheduler on the head node of the MATLAB Parallel Server™ cluster.

  3. The head node of the MATLAB Parallel Server cluster assigns the verification job to a worker node, where the remaining phases of the Polyspace analysis occur.

If an analysis stops after completing the first step and you restart the analysis, use this option to reuse compilation results from the previous analysis. You thereby avoid restarting the analysis from the compilation phase.

If previous compilation results do not exist in the current folder, an error occurs. Remove the option and restart analysis from the compilation phase.

If you are running an analysis from the user interface (Polyspace desktop products only), on the Configuration pane, you can enter this option in the Other field. See Other.


Specify remote analysis with compilation results from a previous analysis:

  • Bug Finder:

    polyspace-bug-finder -batch -scheduler localhost -submit-job-from-previous-compilation-results
  • Code Prover:

    polyspace-code-prover -batch -scheduler localhost -submit-job-from-previous-compilation-results


You cannot submit analysis jobs to a remote cluster with Polyspace as You Code.

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