Retrieve multiple sequence alignment associated with hidden Markov model (HMM) profile from PFAM database
= gethmmalignment(PFAMName
= gethmmalignment(PFAMAccessNumber
= gethmmalignment(PFAMNumber
= gethmmalignment(...,
'ToFile', ToFileValue
, ...)
= gethmmalignment(...,
'Type', TypeValue
, ...)
= gethmmalignment(...,
'IgnoreGaps', IgnoreGaps
, ...)
= gethmmalignment(...,
'TimeOut', TimeOutValue
, ...)
Input Arguments
PFAMName | Character vector specifying a protein family name (unique identifier)
of an HMM profile record in the PFAM database. For example, '7tm_2' . |
PFAMAccessNumber | Character vector specifying a protein family accession number
of an HMM profile record in the PFAM database. For example, 'PF00002' . |
PFAMNumber | Integer specifying a protein family number of an HMM profile
record in the PFAM database. For example, 2 is
the protein family number for the protein family PF00002 . |
ToFileValue | Character vector specifying a file name or a path and file name for saving the data. If you specify only a file name, that file will be saved in the MATLAB® Current Folder. |
TypeValue | Character vector that specifies the set of alignments returned. Choices are:
IgnoreGapsValue | Controls the removal of the symbols - and . from
the sequence. Choices are true or false (default). |
TimeOutValue | Connection timeout in seconds, specified as a positive scalar. The default value is 5. For details, see here. |
Output Arguments
AlignStruct | MATLAB structure array containing the multiple sequence alignment associated with an HMM profile. |
the PFAM database ( for the HMM profile record
represented by AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(PFAMName
, a protein family
name, retrieves the multiple sequence alignment associated with the
HMM profile, and returns AlignStruct
, a MATLAB structure
array, with each structure containing the following fields:
Field | Description |
Header | Protein name |
Sequence | Protein sequence |
the PFAM database for the HMM profile record represented by AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(PFAMAccessNumber
a protein family accession number, retrieves the multiple sequence
alignment associated with the HMM profile, and returns AlignStruct
a MATLAB structure array.
a protein family accession number from AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(PFAMNumber
an integer, searches the PFAM database for the associated HMM profile
record, retrieves the multiple sequence alignment associated with
the HMM profile, and returns AlignStruct
a MATLAB structure array.
calls AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(...,
', PropertyValue
with optional
properties that use property name/property value pairs. You can specify
one or more properties in any order. Each PropertyName
be enclosed in single quotation marks and is case insensitive. These
property name/property value pairs are as follows:
the data returned from the PFAM database to a file specified by AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(...,
'ToFile', ToFileValue
, ...)ToFileValue
You can read a FASTA-formatted file containing PFAM data back
into the MATLAB software using the fastaread
the set of alignments returned. Choices are: AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(...,
'Type', TypeValue
, ...)
— Default. Returns all sequences that fit the HMM profile.'seed'
— Returns only the sequences used to generate the HMM profile.
the removal of the symbols AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(...,
'IgnoreGaps', IgnoreGaps
, ...)-
and .
the sequence. Choices are true
or false
sets the connection timeout (in seconds) to retrieve data from the PFAM database.AlignStruct
= gethmmalignment(...,
'TimeOut', TimeOutValue
, ...)
To retrieve a multiple alignment of the sequences used to train the HMM profile for global alignment to the 7-transmembrane receptor protein in the secretin family, enter:
pfamalign = gethmmalignment('PF00002','Type','seed') pfamalign = 29×1 struct array with fields: Header Sequence
Version History
Introduced before R2006a
See Also
| gethmmprof
| gethmmtree
| multialignread
| multialignwrite
| pfamhmmread