Aerospace & Defence Forum part 2: From Systems of Systems to HW and SW Certification
The need for advanced civil and defence systems has been brought into sharp focus. In civil, the drive for zero climate impact is driving development of advanced propulsion, autonomous systems, and urban air mobility. In defence, geopolitical uncertainty has highlighted the necessity for Next-Generation physical and digital systems.
The MathWorks Aerospace & Defence forum will bring experts on different key technology areas to discuss how we can accelerate the development of next-generation systems. Register today to join the forum and explore how models and data can help us respond to these challenges.
Block #1: From “Systems of Systems” architectures to simulation models
- Define/describe complex system architectures
- Using simulation and analysis to inform system design
- Building executable simulations from a library of shared assets
- Connecting systems architectures with software/firmware implementation
Block #2: Simulating complex dynamic system models
- How complex is your model? Learn to profile & compare models.
- How can you scale your simulation? Learn solver & co-simulation strategies.
- How credible is your model? Learn to trade speed & accuracy for real-time simulation.
Block #3: Certification compliance through verification & validation
- Building compliance using Model-Based Design techniques.
- Applying verification & validation techniques for both hardware & software.
- How to approach certification throughout a program lifecycle.
About the Presenters
Marc Willerton is an application engineer at MathWorks, specializing in signal processing and communications with MATLAB and Simulink. Primarily, Marc works with customers across the aerospace and defense, communications, electronics, and semiconductor industries around applications including wireless communications (including LTE and WLAN), software-defined radio, RF design, radar, and sonar. Before joining MathWorks in 2013, Marc spent a number of years in academia, where his research interests centered on array signal processing and software-defined radio. His work was sponsored by the University Defense Research Centre in Signal Processing. Marc received his master’s and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and electronic engineering from Imperial College London, UK.
Lachlan Jardine is an Application Engineer at MathWorks, with particular interest in decarbonizing power, propulsion, and industrial systems. Lachlan specializes in modelling & simulation of physical systems - completing his PhD in the Whittle Laboratory, Cambridge, then obtaining a Knowledge Transfer Fellowship to partner with Rolls-Royce. His work in this area has received many awards, including from the IMechE, Stem for Britain, and the University of Cambridge.
Juan Valverde is the Aerospace and Defense Industry Manager for the EMEA region at MathWorks. His technical background is on the design of dependable embedded computing solutions for aerospace. Prior to MathWorks, Juan was a Principal Investigator for Embedded Computing at the Advanced Technology Centre for Collins Aerospace - Raytheon Technologies in Ireland. Juan has a PhD in Microelectronics and Computing Architectures by the Technical University of Madrid (Spain).
Recorded: 3 Mar 2023