
Grandpa's telescope
Two grandkids Dorothy and Benjamin are sharing a telescope made by their grandpa, who used an old lens of spectacles as the obje...

etwa 12 Jahre vor


Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

etwa 12 Jahre vor

which function works for identifying numbers?
Detecting numbers is a form of OCR which is a non-trivial task. If you want a solution that works out of the box, you will have ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

How can I find the point spread function (PSF) to a motion-blurred image with the help of noisy image?
If you have the original image and the blurred image, you could probably deconvolve your blurred image with the original image. ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Using spectral subtraction technique to reduce noise in audio file
Well, I think that the presentation of the file on file exchange says a lot about how it works. It looks like they transform the...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

non linear fitting of two parameter, one parameter is never changing ...
Assuming you use fminsearch, it will only optimize on the variable x. If you want to optimize on more than one variable, you hav...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0


Matlab Freedom
The wave equation applied to the matlab logo, with fewer constraints.

fast 13 Jahre vor | 1 Download |



Can Matlab vectorize a generic recursion function?
Hi. I am experimenting with some specialty IIR filters, and the for-loop implementation is just too slow. I have searched, but ...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 2 Antworten | 2



Plotting two matrices with similar dimensions having one superimposed on the other while keeping the scale of one only
There is a solution on file exchange that does exactly this.

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1

GUI radio button
Sure you can. Just set the Value property of the radio button to 0 or 1 depending on what you want. To make sure the user doesn...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1

Copying Figure to word
Well, a work-around is to save/export the figure to disk and then import the saved image into word. I like to do that because it...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0

Is it possible to embed my MATLAB code in LAB View VI?
You can embed simple Matlab code in VI using the Matlab box. However, VI only supports a subset of Matlab, so you need to keep t...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1


abSIRD for Matlab
Converts a depth-map into a random dot autostereogram.

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 2 Downloads |



Change log labels v2
Alters log labels of to linear labels (10^1.45 to 28.18). Remakes when zoom and pan are used.

mehr als 15 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


En improved version of interpolate that can handle coincident data.

fast 16 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |


Atomic reminder
An upgrade to remindme using the US naval observatorys atomic clock as a reference.

etwa 16 Jahre vor | 1 Download |