Grabbing all files in a folder
Take a look at < |uigetdir|> and <

fast 14 Jahre vor | 11

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How to run standalone .exe file on computer without MATLAB?
In < |deploytool|>, you should see a tab called "P...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

How to make waitbar 'always on top'/bring to front
Try setting the |WindowStyle| of the < |waitbar|> to |modal|: h = wait...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 1

Complexity of medfilt2 implementation in Matlab?
Did you check out the reference paper indicated at the end of the page for <

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

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Determine if mouse click on a plot is within plot region
What do you mean by "plot region"? Within the X-limit of the axes? Within the plotted data range? Take a look at <http://www...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

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Utilising Multicore on Linux Matlab 7.11 64-bit
Element-wise matrix operations *_are_* multithreaded by default in your MATLAB version. In fact, this has been true since R2008a...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 3

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One way is to compute it yourself. You just need to compute the root of the mean of the squared errors (hence the name): y = ...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 2

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Deploy for windows 32-bit from a 64-bit computer
If you don't have access to a 32-bit computer, that's a problem. You need to run through the deployment process on the same plat...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 2

how to find sufficient help in MATLAB IMPORTANT - MATLAB admin
From my own personal experience, here are some resources for getting help and learning MATLAB concepts: # <http://www.mathworks...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 1

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Speech recognition using .NET framework
See this < post>.

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

How to search for peaks in a signal?
Try using < |findpeaks|> from the <http://www.mathwor...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

Delete a file on click of Pushbutton
Try: delete([delID, '.dat']) Explanation: |delID| is a variable that contains character string. To construct the file na...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

bug in matlab 2010b, trig functions (cosd, sind etc.)
What's your OS and machine type? I'm on 32-bit 2010b on Win7, and I get the correct result (different from yours). Just to make ...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

nested smpd instructions
Nesting < |spmd|> or <

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

How to plot with YYYYMM date format on x-axis?
This would convert your dates in YYYYMM format to serial dates which would have the correct intervals between the dates. x = ...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

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How to make a 'browse window' to search for documents
Perhaps < |uigetfile|>.

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

how to build standalone application
You need a C compiler. Take a look at < this page> under "MATLAB Com...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

Boxplot: second Y axes labels
I can only think of a workaround... *EDIT*: Per Oleg's comment, I've added a "ResizeFcn" for the figure to adjust the axes prop...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 2

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How to set excel cell color to red from Matlab?
This works for me: % Connect to Excel Excel = actxserver('excel.application'); % Get Workbook object WB = Excel....

fast 14 Jahre vor | 10

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Surface fitting problem
I assume you are using version R2010a or older. Your syntax should work for the newer versions. You seem to have vectors for ...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

How to read external file data from a .xls file into matlab
If you're on Windows, you can use the < COM cl...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 2

field delimiter uses any char as to declare a new field instead of full string
Use < Regular Expressions>, such as <

fast 14 Jahre vor | 1

MATLAB "Out of memory" problem
Read through the links in Andreas's answer. And I agree with Andreas and Oleg about the question of "why you need such a big mat...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

Dynamic changing values
Just redefine |a| and |d| after you update the other values: for id = 1:100 a = x1*b + x2 * c d = x1*e + x2 * f...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

Compose with validateattributes
Considering that you require a workaround anyway, I might go with this for your specific case: p.addParamValue('w',1, @(x) ...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 0

Add a new Excel sheet from Matlab
According to the < VBA documentation on MSDN>, to add after th...

fast 14 Jahre vor | 6

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Help regarding "format long"
Take a look at this < FAQ>.

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 0

Tabbing between opened Editor tabs
"Ctrl-Page Up" and "Ctrl-Page Down" will let you switch between different tabs.

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 8

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How to use the Fminsearch in in MATLAB 6.5?
You are using < anonymous functions>, which were introduced in MAT...

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 0

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Implementing an hgsetget subclass
This is interesting. It does seem like the documentation isn't complete. It mentions how calling the <

etwa 14 Jahre vor | 1

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