Sum of Cells next to a String
% creating sample data data={'VLGMC', 1, 'DLG', 4, 'a', 7; ... 'VLGMC', 2, 'c', 5, 'a', 8; ... 'b',...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Could fsolve cause trouble when using it to solve linear equations?
Yes, you can, but if you have linear system of equations you have much better and optimized function for system of linear equati...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Create variable from cell array based on strings
Var1={'A',6; ... 'B',7; ... 'B',7; ... 'A',8; ... 'C',10; ... 'A',9; ... ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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matrix to vector matrix ?
a = [111 ,101, 100]; num2str(a,'%d') ans = 111101100

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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How to minimize a parameter in a differential equation
Here is the outline of the code for objective function objectiveFunction (Conductivity) -- Use the above code you mentio...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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possible Bug? or checking if OverFlow happened?
I have a matrix of size (6472908 x 67) all single values. Different columns have different max/min (there are different variable...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 3 Antworten | 0



Speed up stepwise averaging
if the indeces in the index variable are like your example next to each other you can take advantage of that. Here is the timing...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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GA Ignores Initial Population and Initial Scores
I am trying to optimize a function which accepts over 1300 parameters, (all integers between 1 and 13). The output is a score wh...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



Plots of Savitzky-Golay
do it like this plot(x(1:length(SG0)),y(1:length(SG0))','k','LineWidth',2.5); hold on plot(x(1:length(SG0)),SG0','r',...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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how to divide image into 16 block ?
Have you checked < im2col()>? Let's say you want to divide your image i...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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How to collect coefficients of the same powers?
check if < collect()> works for you.

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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How can i implement the NN algorithm ?
*Some code like this would do the job:* %% Loading data load(''); % first column stores the wine class...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 2

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what is the difference between one backslash (\) and double backslashes (\\) when defining a path?
that's how on windows machine the server is defined. \\servername\shared_resource\subfolder_on_that\sub_sub_folder_in_that\an...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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how to convert 8x8 matrix into image?
do the inverse dct or < idct()>.

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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How to normalize curves such that area under curve=1?
divide all numbers by the area that you calculate using Trapz. x=0:0.1:pi; y=sin(x); Area=trapz(x,y) Area = ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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How is this written?
x=2; y= sin(2*x)/5 + sin(x).^2 - 2*sin(x).*cos(x);

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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How to divide a long vector into several vectors of known length
IDX = [1 2 1 3 4 3 1 2 1 35 4 2 78]; a = {[3 2 2 1 2] [2 1 2 2] [1 2 3 4]}; % first get the numel(a{k}) as a ve...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 2

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how can i read multiple images from a folder?
If you have Computer Vision Toolbox you can use < imageset()>. If...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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Ask the administrator for those. If you have purchased MATLAB on your own account refer to your account and go under manage m...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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not choosing random numbers from the range specified
Because that's not how that function is called. If you want to randomly select 10 numbers within the range of 50 and 100 this...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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saveas or print in EPS
Hi, I just upgraded to 2014b; While I like the new colormaps but it seems that some of the functions have changed their beha...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 2 Antworten | 1



Fill matrix with zeros
A: is the Fixed Sized Matrix B: is the Variable Sized Matrix A(:,1) .* [B(1:min(size(A,1),size(B,1)),1); zeros(size(A,1)...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 0

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Fill in boundaries in Image
Ok, but the red lines is pretty much the boundary of the regions in the binary image stored in the variable called back, right? ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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How can I delete rows from matrix in matlab?
Let's say you want to delete the r-th row from matrix A. This should work: A=A([1:r-1 r+1:end],:)

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please help me , what is color segmentation steps
Well there are multiple approaches. You could do an entire thesis on this subject. These are some of the examples: http://ww...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1

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What does ./ mean in matlab?
look at < redivide().> From MATLAB HELP: x = A./B divides each element ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 2

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Stitching sub images to reconstruct full image
Again, why don't you use < blockproc()>? :D what you are asking, i.e. ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 3

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Warning when using 'Box','off' in legend and the box of the legends keeps showing!
Does any one know why the following error is generated and the box of the legend is still showing? x=0:0.1:2*pi; y1=sin(...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



Partial derivative of a matrix
For simple cases use MATLAB's < gradient()> function. Assuming you have a ...

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How to read ASCII grid format
Since you already have Mapping Toolbox, the easiest is to use < pix2latlon(...

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