How to sum only the positive elements in a vector using an If-Statement?
You can do that without if let's say d is your array of positive and negative numbers. You want to sum only the positive ones...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 7

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How to calculate equation with multiple variables?
F=@(x,rho,phi,z) (A(x)*(x*Ym(beta(x)*rho)+beta2(x)*Jm(beta(x)*rho)*cos(m*phi)*exp(1i*beta3(x)*z)); you can define other...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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How to exclude min and max only once in a if statement?
What you did was correct. Just add an "end" at the end of your code and change if n>0 %% n<= 5 to if n>0 && n<= 5 ...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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If statment with multiple conditions
if any(answer==[1,2,3]) frequency=input('Enter a frequency: '); amplitude=input('Enter an amplitude: '); ccyc...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Polyfit with centering and scaling values
because ppp fits y to x but ppp1 fits y to x^ where x^ = (x-mu1)./mu2; check this code: x = (0: 0.1: 2.5)'; y = er...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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How do I create a Projection Matrix for 3D Reconstruction Visual Hull Matlab code?

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Count number of rows without NaNs
sum(and(~isnan(Data{1,1}(:,2)),Data{1,1}(:,8)==1)) gives you the count of rows that don't have NaN on the second column and...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Creating a matrix of sinusoids with frequency increasing over columns and time increasing over rows
minT=0; maxT=1; dT=0.01; minF=1; maxF=4; dF=1; [Time,frequency]=ndgrid( minT:dT:maxT , minF:dF:maxF ); ...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Strange slope for points in a curve
There are two slopes at each point. The left slope and right slope? What you want to do about that?

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Finding positions of a partial string in a cell array
Data={'/SH','abcd','abcd';'abcd','/SH','/SH'} Data = '/SH' 'abcd' 'abcd' 'abcd' '/SH' '/SH' ...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Split a matrix into a two submatrixes by a condition
If this is MATLAB programming class tell your teacher that using "for" and "if" is not necessary the correct way of learning mat...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

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Storing multiple function outputs in an iterative loop
store them as cell arrays [X{i},Y{i},Z{i}] = myfunction(input_variable); x{1} could be NxM matrix X{2} could be RxCxT m...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 4

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How to use previous results of a non-linear function as the initial "guess" for the next step?
Instead of hard coding the initial guess take that in as an input P=[initial values] P=myNLfuction(someinput, P) % t...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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how we can amplify an image with nearest neighbour interpolation
Amplify?? you mean resize? if that's what you mean here is the code IResized= imresize(I,scale,'nearest');

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Is there any way to do an operator on a specific region
Something like this would work. [r,c]=size(BWImage); rHalf=round(r/2); cHalf=round(c/2); lowerLeftQuadrant...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

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reading strings between spaces from a text file.
you could use fid = fopen('test_text.txt','r'); xdata=str2num(fgets(fid)) fclose(fid) or you can use M = dl...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 3

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Why using mldivide to solve high dimension linear equations would cause computational error
I am guessing the condition number of your matrix. The error in matrix inversion get's worse as the condition number of a mat...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Optimal strategy for loading in many tiffs and resaving as imageJ tiff stacks
Ok, if you are just moving files from one folder to another you can do it at the command prompt, you don't really need matlab. B...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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How to inverse a matrix efficiently?
if you are not looking for symbolic solution to the matrix inversion, but you have the numerical values of the entries in ...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

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Replace jth zero in vector with j
zeroMask = (x==0); x(zeroMask) = 1:sum(zeroMask);

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Using fprintf to open a .txt file of text (NOT data)
fid=fopen('test.txt','w'); str='Actual textual thing, Once upon a time there was a princess trapped in the tower.'; fpri...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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How to create a table for CSV-Output from an array and strings?
Let's say myArray is your NxN matrix and colNames is a cell array storing the labels, i.e. colNames={'Label1','Label2',...,'Labe...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

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boundary conditions for PDE
This has nothing to do with matlab. For your linear advection equation, you can use periodic boundary condition, neumann boun...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Using post classification confusion matrix
Well, the answer is right in front of you. BW_1 has 2592x4608=11943936 elements while new_image{1} has 7776x4608=35831808 elem...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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how to save the content of the current figure as an image?
saveas(gcf,'filename.png') would also work. or something like this for i=1:30 % code to show image number i ...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 7

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The replacement is slow. is there a better way?
It seems *rrr(binZ)=NaN;* should also work for you. I am assuming binZ is a logical big matrix where the entry is true if that e...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Hey! I am new to matlab and I need some help here.
% Let's say: a=3; b=2; c=1; % we have y= ax^2 + bx + c; % so the function to plot would be y=3x^2+2x+1; ...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Create matrix using nested loops
Theta=[0, 90, 180, 270, 360]; Y=zeros(2,numel(Theta)) Y(1,:)=sind(Theta); Y(2,:)=cosd(Theta); NOTE the "d" aft...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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delete zero rows only with one number
This will work *A(~any(A'==0),:)* Don't forget " ' " to transpose A in ~any(A *'* ==0). Alternatively if you want to ...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 1

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How to import multiple txt files in different folders into workspace at one time?
have you tried "textread" command? It has a headerline parameter that tells how many line to ignore. You need to call that funct...

fast 10 Jahre vor | 0

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