
Getting values from a vector
This exercise is for finding the values that meet your criteria. a = [-5 28 7 83 73]; b = 23 ; c = (a > b) Then : c = ...

3 Monate vor


Determine pressure altitude using field elevation and altimeter setting
Given an airfield's elevation in feet (ft) and the current altimeter setting in inches of mercury (inHg), calculate the pressure...

3 Monate vor


Determine ground distance from an aircraft to a DME station
In aviation, distance measuring equipment (DME) uses radio signals to determine slant distance from an aircraft to a ground stat...

3 Monate vor


Basic Matlab Operation Bonanza
Given a horizontal array of numbers, perform the following operations, in order: transpose, flip matrix horizontally, flip matri...

3 Monate vor


Palindrome vector
Check if a given vector is Palindrome. Example, [1 2 54 32 45 5 33 456 45 456 33 5 45 32 54 2 1]

3 Monate vor


rotation et mise à l'échelle avec des complexes
Ecrire une fonction Zr=scale_rot(A,phi,Z) qui permet une mise à l'échelle d'un facteur A et une rotation d'un angle phi (en rad)...

3 Monate vor


Find mass of single floor in building
A model building has three floors are highlighted in different colours here: Assu...

3 Monate vor


Lancer de dés
Ecrire une fonction qui imite le lancer d'un dé, i-e qui renvoie de façon aléatoire un entier entre 1 et 6. Attention cette fon...

3 Monate vor


Neural Net: Back Propagation of Quad Output with Bias, ReLU
This challenge is to return the WH_delta and WP_delta, given X, WH, WP, EPY using ReLU on the hidden layer and Softmax on the ou...

3 Monate vor


Neural Net: Calculate Bias Single Perceptron (AND/NAND/OR/NOR/XOR)
This challenge is to calculate the Neural Net Bias Perceptron vector,P, given X, WH, and WP using ReLU on the hidden layer. Test...

3 Monate vor


Neural Net: Calculate Perceptron
This challenge is to calculate the Neural Net Perceptron value,P, given X, WH, and WP using ReLU on the hidden layer. This examp...

3 Monate vor


Neural Net: Best Index of Prediction array
The final ouput of a neural net application is a Prediction matrix/vector,P, that gives the probability of the input being of a ...

3 Monate vor


Neural Nets: Activation functions
Return values of selected Activation function type for value,vector, and matrices. y=Activation(x,id); where id is 1:4 for ReLU...

3 Monate vor


Neural Net Image Convolution: Return only Valid portion of conv2
This challenge is to return only the Valid portion of a 2-D convolution. Valid is deemed to be where all elements of the kernel ...

3 Monate vor


Array Height (no usage of size)
Find the array height, the number of rows. Size may not be used.

3 Monate vor


Array Width (no usage of size)
Find the array width. Size may not be used.

3 Monate vor


Determine if input is greater than 100
Evaluate if given number is greater than 100. If greater, return true; else, return false.

3 Monate vor


Fibonacci Sequence
Write a MATLAB function called fibonacci_sequence(n) that takes an integer n as input and returns the first n terms of the Fibon...

3 Monate vor


Find the surface area of a cone.
For instance, Given r (radius) = 3, and s (slant height) = 5: surface area should be 94.

3 Monate vor


Alternate Arrangement
Determine the ways of arranging 'm' men and 'w' women alternatively in a row of 's' seats. Assumptions : s<m and s<w

3 Monate vor


Palindrome String
Determine if the inputted string is a palindrome. That is, the string is the same forwards as it is backwards. For example: ...

3 Monate vor


Is it the answer to life the universe and everything?
The answer to life the universe and everything is 42, but this is naturally in base 13. Unfortunately, MATLAB is in base 10, so ...

3 Monate vor


Build the Well
Calculate the total time taken for building 'n' wells given : Worker A takes a hr to build the well alone Worker B takes b hr...

3 Monate vor


Determine if input is greater than pi
Evaluate if given number is greater than pi. If greater, return true; else, return false.

3 Monate vor


Bag of apples
find probabilty of getting red apples from a bag of 'r' red and 'g' green apples.

3 Monate vor


Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector
Find sum of alternate numbers in a vector starting from index 1

3 Monate vor


Find cross product of 2 vectors
Find cross product of 2 vectors

3 Monate vor


Sum of Squares
Given a vector v of length n, write a MATLAB function to calculate the sum of the squares of its elements.

3 Monate vor


Sum the two halves of an array with an even number of elements
given an array of an even number of elements, sum the front and back half of the array and return the sums as an array For exam...

3 Monate vor


Google Drive: MATLAB mat file download
Matlab 'mat' files are notoriously hard to email and download as they are binary files. To make a 'mat' file downloadable from ...

3 Monate vor

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