
Check that number is whole number
Check that number is whole number Say x=15, then answer is 1. x=15.2 , then answer is 0. <

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Add two different item as shown in example
Add two different item as shown in example x=5; y='ab'; Then output must be'5ab';

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Building matrices
If you have matrix A, create matrix B using matrix A as an "element" A = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Deleting an element in a matrix
For vector Grades=[98 56 78 34 100 88 87], delete the number 78 to get the following matrix Grades=[98 56 34 100 88 87] **re...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Squaring Matrix
Square the following matrix using matlab % A = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 So new matrix should display...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Vectors counting by 2
Create a vector numbers from 7 to 15 in increments of 2

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Counting down
Create a vector that counts from 450 to 200 in increments of 10.

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Replacing a row
For matrix G=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] Replace the 2nd row with 8s **remember to create matrix G

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Write code that can reverse the vector without using any sort of loop. Example Given the input vector A = [ 1 2 3 4 5...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Create an anti-identity matrix
Create an anti-identity matrix of given dimension. Examples n = 2 A = [0 1; 1 0] n = 3 A = [0 0 1; 0 1 0; 1 0 0...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Polite numbers. N-th polite number.
A polite number is an integer that sums of at least two consecutive positive integers. For example _7 = 3+4_ so 7 is a polite...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Find out characteristics equation of given matrix.
Find out characteristics equation of given matrix. A=[0 2; 1 8] then char. eq is s^2-8*s-2=0 and answer should be [1 -8 -2] ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Complete the function below such that if the value of x is in the range 10 to 14, inclusive, the value 18 is assigned to y. Oth...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Solve Linear equations
Solve Linear equations Example: x+y=2 and x+2y=3, then x and y equal to 1.

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Check transmitted data follow even parity (True or false)
Check transmitted data follow even parity (True or false) < Parity Bit> Say, '010...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Flip the vector from right to left
Flip the vector from right to left. Examples x=[1:5], then y=[5 4 3 2 1] x=[1 4 6], then y=[6 4 1]; Request not ...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Variable Assignment
Complete the ? part by assigning myExamScore with 100.

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Average speed for the entire trip
The input is two speeds (for the trip and return trip) and output is average speed. Assume units are consistent, say miles per h...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Write an expression
Assigns finalResult with firstSample plus secondSample, squared, then divided by 3. Ex: If firstSample is 18 and secondSample is...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Compute total cost
A soda costs 2 dollars. A taco costs 3 dollars. Write a statement that assigns totalCost with the total meal cost given the numb...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Indexing the last element: Print queue
* Delete the last element of row array printQueue.

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Adding an element: Ticker tape
* Add stockPrice to the beginning of row array tickerTape

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Indexing the array: Shift right with variable sized arrays
* Write a statement to shift the array contents 1 position to the left. * Assign the rightmost element with -1. Ex: [12, 85...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Linear-spaced points array
* Construct a row array plotPoints with 5 values that are spaced linearly from lowValue to highValue. Ex: If lowValue is 1 and ...

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Relational operators: Guessing game
Row array userGuess contains a sequence of user guesses. Create a logical indexing array correctGuess with true in each location...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Relational operators and row arrays: Overweight baggage
Create a logical indexing array overweightBaggage with true in each location where the corresponding baggageWeight is greater th...

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Relational operators and row arrays: Run times
* Construct a row array fastRunTimes containing all elements of runTimes equal to or less than 480 seconds. Ex: If runTimes =...

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Comparing floating point values
* Assign matchFound with true if firstSample and secondSample are less than thresholdValue.

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Concatenating strings
* Write a statement that assigns fullName with firstName, a space, then lastName. Ex: If firstName is Alan and lastName is Tu...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Constructing strings
* Construct a string alphaString from 'a' to endLetter, using the double colon operator. Ex: If endLetter = 'e', then alphaSt...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor

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