
Reverse the elements of an array
Reverse the order of elements in an array: eg: input X = [ 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9 ] o...

etwa 4 Jahre vor


N-Dimensional Array Slice
Given an N-dimensional array, _A_, an index, _I_, and a dimension, _d_, return the _I_ th elements of _A_ in the _d_ dimension. ...

etwa 4 Jahre vor


Remove NaN ?
input -> matrix (n*m) with at least one element equal to NaN; output -> matrix(p*m), the same matrix where we deleted the enti...

etwa 4 Jahre vor


Remove the air bubbles
Given a matrix a, return a matrix b in which all the zeros have "bubbled" to the top. That is, any zeros in a given column shoul...

etwa 4 Jahre vor


Swap the first and last columns
Flip the outermost columns of matrix A, so that the first column becomes the last and the last column becomes the first. All oth...

etwa 4 Jahre vor


Bullseye Matrix
Given n (always odd), return output a that has concentric rings of the numbers 1 through (n+1)/2 around the center point. Exampl...

etwa 4 Jahre vor


Back and Forth Rows
Given a number n, create an n-by-n matrix in which the integers from 1 to n^2 wind back and forth along the rows as shown in the...

etwa 4 Jahre vor


Energy of a photon
*&#9883 &#9762 &#9883 &#9762 &#9883 &#9762 &#9883* Given the frequency F of a photon in giga hertz. Find energy E of this...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor


How to subtract?
*&plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn* * Imagine you need to subtract one...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor


Finding Perfect Squares
Given a vector of numbers, return true if one of the numbers is a square of one of the other numbers. Otherwise return false. E...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor


Set the array elements whose value is 13 to 0
Input A either an array or a vector (which can be empty) Output B will be the same size as A . All elements of A equal to 13...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor

computational complexity of eig and pinv
The computational cost of eig should be O(N^3) with N dimension of the matrix

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0


Best Problem Elections
When I am writing those words, there are 2002 problems on Cody. Many of them are simply wonderful. Do you remember which of them...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor


construct matrix with identical rows
Input a row vector such as x=1:10. Now we need to construct a matrix with L rows,of which every row vector is a copy of x. E...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor


Create a vector
Create a vector from 0 to n by intervals of 2.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Magic is simple (for beginners)
Determine for a magic square of order n, the magic sum m. For example m=15 for a magic square of order 3.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Product of elements in row
Product of matrix such that a=[3 3 1] b=9

fast 8 Jahre vor


ベクトル [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] の作成
MATLABでは,角括弧の中に要素を入れることで、ベクトルを作成できる。 x = [1 2 3 4] また次のようにも書ける(コンマはオプション)。 x = [1, 2, 3, 4] 問題:次のベクトルを出力する関数を作成せよ。...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Skip by a multiple
Given an integer create an array of its multiples. Array must have a length of 15

fast 8 Jahre vor


Summation of array
Given an array, Find the sum of all of the elements in it Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5; 4 5 6 7]; Output y is 33

fast 8 Jahre vor


Vector creation
Create a vector using square brackets going from 1 to the given value x in steps on 1. Hint: use increment.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Convert yards to feet
The goal of this script is to convert a value given in yards to feet.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Matrix which contains the values of an other matrix A at the given locations.
If you have two matrices, which together give xc and yc coordinates into another matrix, eg : xc = [1 1 1; 2 2 1]; ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Create a square matrix of multiples
Given an input, N, output a matrix N x N with each row containing multiples of the first element of each row. This also applies...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Find the logic
There exists one logic in between input and output. Find it (easy math). Example 1: x=13 then y=339; Example 2: x=26...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Replace Vector Elements
Replace all elements in a vector which are equal to or smaller than zero with 0.1. Example: A = [1 2 3 -1 0 2 -3 -80]; ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Create matrix of replicated elements
Given an input element x, and the dimensions, (m, n) return a matrix of size m x n filled with element x. Example: Input: ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Potential Energy
Calculate the potential energy of a rock.

fast 8 Jahre vor


In a right angle triangle ABC given the tan(A) then find sin(A) For example tan(A)=3/4 then sin(A)=3/5

fast 8 Jahre vor

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