how can I get the displayed text of a hyperlink converted to a string?
A hyperlink which is displayed is only part of a html command. For instance the following makes a link to the MathWorks website ...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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i can't find information on the keywords for trader toolbox.
This is all on the interactive broker website. In the <

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

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Is there a work around to use gamultiobj with linear constraints and binary variables?
I was thinking if the problem was not too large we could directly compute all 2^n possibilities. Obviously this is not something...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 2

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Use "fill" in a datetime/value plot to color the background
You can use the fill function to achieve this. To do so, first generate the data: t = datetime(2014,6,28) + caldays(1:10); ...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

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plotting datenums to compare data across years
You are mixing functionality for |datenums| ( |datetick| ) with |datetimes| so this is why you get the re-scaling you mention. ...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

Reference to non-existent field error when showing database data to editbox in gui matlab
You have no field called 'in' contained in the data cursor returned by fetch. You probably want to look into the 'Data' property...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

What is box constraint in svmtrain fucntion ?
The basic idea is that when the data is not perfectly separable, the training algorithm must allow some mis-classification in th...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 4

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Replacing NaN with its succeeding values
This is simply a 1-dimensional interpolation using the next method with extrapolation: A=[NaN NaN 1 1 0 0 NaN 0 NaN 1 1] ...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

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problem in using copulafit
This is a maximum likelihood estimate given a sample so there will always be some uncertainty in the answer. In your case you ar...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 0

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Logistic Regression not display all data like R
Your issue is that in R these variables are interpreted as categorical whereas in MATLAB they are being interpreted as continuou...

mehr als 7 Jahre vor | 1

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How to create a loop that runs a function through subfolders in a directory?
You can get the sub-directories using dir: D = dir; % A is a struct ... first elements are '.' and '..' used for navigation...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 3

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Counting average on huge matrix with conditional
It seems this is likely what you are looking for then: function [meanNV]=calcMeanNV_k(A,V,d) %A: input matrix (n x n) ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Efficient method of summing the values in multiple images on GPU?
I don't have a machine with the GPU capabilities with me right now, but I think this should work: sums = pagefun(@(x) sum(x...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 1

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Remove Scientific Notations in Plotyy
Which version of MATLAB are you using? If it is 2016a or later we recommend using <

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Generate matrix of a random process with each row using different parameters and no for-loop
You can use arrayfun for this: mu = [0, 3, 2, 5, 1]; sigma = [1, 5, 4, 10, 7]; A = arrayfun(@(x,y) random('norm', x, ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

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non linear minimization problem
This would be an instance of a linear problem (i.e. it is linear in the coefficients a, b and c). Therefore you would want to us...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

plot binary vectors ?
Would you be looking for something like this? x = randi([0,1],100,2); histogram2(x(:,1),x(:,2),'Normalization','pdf') ...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 0

Classification learner - categorical data import not working
The classification learner app only works with matrices and tables, but the latter can hold a categorical variable. SO if your d...

fast 8 Jahre vor | 1

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help pareto front?
1. Do your objective functions take exactly one input argument? I assume you have more based upon this error. 2. I can't really...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

help pareto front?
The function _simple_mult_ contains two objective functions and returns the objective function evaluation of both of these objec...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

How can I assign a histfit graph to a parent axis in a gui?
histfit always plots to the current axes.You need to make the axes you wish to place this on the current axes using: axes(h...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1

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getting true positive and true negative rates from a neural network classification
# The ROC curve plots the TPR vs FPR. # How you are calculating the TPR and TNR is not correct: TPR = cm(1,1)/sum(cm(:,1))...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Why this error happened when i run genetic algorithm?
It sounds likely that you have a different file ga.m which is being found by MATLAB first. If you type: which ga you ...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

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Mapminmax process function causes that NN incorrectly simulates outputs
You would likely have better luck if you just started with the < patternne...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 2

Limit in SQL query not working
< LIMIT> is not available in SQL Server. There is a similar c...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1

How to save 'display-iter' from fmincon to a .txt file?
Ok I see only 2 things wrong here, but there may be more as this obviously isn't ALL of the code. 1. I missed the fact that y...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

Create a conditional formatting Color Scale Table like Excel
To do this you will need to pass in html as the Data for the uitable. The best way to replicate what you are looking for is to ...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1

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Error adding file to the application compiler
GUIDE is not supported by the Compiler App: < Compile...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

How to save 'display-iter' from fmincon to a .txt file?
Without having tested this the basic idea you would define the function in the manner described <

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1

fmincon error in matlab
Your objective function must return a scalar value but yours is returning a vector as your vector of design variables is a vecto...

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 0

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