Create a function handle that is a sum of function handles
Your specification is a bit ambiguous to me, but if I interpret it such that you want to fit a function such that: (I've used...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

How can I find the filter bandwidth of Savitzky-Golay filtering?
QD suggestion: x = randn(4096,1); x_sgf = sgolayfilt(x,order,framelength); fx = fftshift(fft(x)); fxsgf = fftshift(fft(x_sgf...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Further processing of contour plot data
I would not do the average of the contours in a region, because if you have a rather flat region with a single spike in some reg...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

Check summation from n=0 to 5 |n><n| in MATLAB?
If |n><n| is the same as <n||n> then you should have a look at the help and documentation to dot. That function will not general...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Decimal indexing for arrays in MATLAB
Have a look at the help and documentation for griddedInterpolant. That function might be what you're looking for. It creates a f...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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How can I plot 18 lines in different colors on a single plot?
For that type of tasks I have had good use of the cmlines-function in the colormap-and-colorbar-utilities toolbox on the file ex...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to adjust a curve fit such that it goes through a specific point
If this is a plot of an electron-density profile observed with an IS-radar, then your ionosonde fOF2 point is (expected to be) a...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

i have a loop which runs from 1 to 7 producing four different figures per run. How do i automatically save each of these figures inside the loop. The loop is given below.
One thing I regularly do is something like this: fig_basename = 'My_current_fig'; for i1 = 1:7 %plot-and-decorate-code f...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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How to rearrange random binary input for each iteration?
Have a look at the nextperm tool on the file exchange. It will allow you to cycle through all permutations. HTH

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Combine different size matrix
If your D is a scalar that you want to expand into a diagonal matrix then perhaps you can do something along these lines: szA =...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to detect wide ball in cricket using MATLAB. What should be the simple code for it.
One thing you can (should) try is to look at the differences between frames, that is subtract the previous frame from the curren...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

How to extract data from specific row
You can do things like this in matlab: data_oi = data(data(:,1)==1|data(:,1)==2,:); This wouild give you your data of interest...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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issue with colormap (colorcube)
Check that/if/how the two m-files differ. If they differ, copy the one you like better to the other system into a directory you ...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Why am I obtaining incorrect values for Lipschitz 1/2 norms using the central difference method?
You've forgot to take the derivative of the function on-line, and you seem to take some kind of derivative on your own computer....

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

How can write Dirac bra-ket notation in MATLAB? Example please.
That depends on what you want to apply the bra-ket on. If it is simple vectors you might get away with simple inner-products usi...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 2

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strange error with varfun and anonymous function
These 2 modifications work: tbl = table(randn(5,1)); func = @(x) cumsum(x); varfun(func, tbl) % ans = % 5x1 table % F...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

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How to solve system of ODEs with unknown initial value?
This works: % one second-order ODE rephrased as 2 coupled first-order syms q0 [2 1] syms a1 a2 syms q(t) [2 1]; A = [...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Get grayscale like image from 2D representation of 3D random plot
Have a look at the help and documentation of histcounts2. That function will allow you to calculate this type of cumulative coun...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Standard Deviation of an histogram
You don't want the standard deviation of the histogram. You want the standard deviation of the pixel intensities in the image. Y...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 0

Differential Equations with Inputs (Tank Draining Problem)
What you should do is to make a small modification of your ODE-function - such that it takes an additional input argument where ...

etwa 2 Jahre vor | 1

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Shift a square matrix along a bigger square matrix by one
Have a look at the help and documentation for the function circshift. That function should solve the problem you have described....

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Who owns the copyright of the code?
This will surely differ from country to country. Ask your trade union. In Sweden it is (at least used to be) so that if the com...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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How to access the double cell 5*1 ?
You could use cell2mat to convert the 5x1 cell-array with elements n_j x 3 into a matrix with n_many x 3 and then proceed as per...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to find the count of vertical lines in an image using Fourier Transform in MATLAB?
Why in the world do you want to use the Fourier transform to do that? You might be OK-ish for this specific pattern since it (su...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

Solving a differential equation
According to your description you don't have a differential equation if you have the values of C and the known dependent values ...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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How to convert XYZ coordinate into nodes (like Xi, Yj) on the grid curve surface?
Are you looking for something like this: xy2sn? HTH

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

Deconvolution of experimental peaks
Have a look at the help and documentation of deconvblind. If you make sure that the curve you want to deconvolve and the point-s...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

how to make curved arrow
There are a number of submissions on the File Exchange that helps you with this: circular-arrow-around-vector, circular_arrow, ...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

How to get the numerical rank of the matrix in matlab?
If you can afford it you might consider looking at the singular vaules that you obtain from the svd of your A-matrix. That will ...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 0

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Is there a way to export the results of PDE's solution to the gradient?Or the gradient can be calculated from the exported triangular node result?
You should have access to the pdegrad-function that should handle your case. Or if that doesn't suit your particular need some o...

mehr als 2 Jahre vor | 1

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