
Crop an Image
A grayscale image is represented as a matrix in MATLAB. Each matrix element represents a pixel in the image. An element value re...

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Plot Damped Sinusoid
Given two vectors |t| and |y|, make a plot containing a blue ( |b| ) dashed ( |--| ) line of |y| versus |t|. Mark the minimum...

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Vector creation
Create a vector using square brackets going from 1 to the given value x in steps on 1. Hint: use increment.

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Doubling elements in a vector
Given the vector A, return B in which all numbers in A are doubling. So for: A = [ 1 5 8 ] then B = [ 1 1 5 ...

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Project Euler: Problem 1, Multiples of 3 and 5
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23...

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Create a vector
Create a vector from 0 to n by intervals of 2.

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Flip the vector from right to left
Flip the vector from right to left. Examples x=[1:5], then y=[5 4 3 2 1] x=[1 4 6], then y=[6 4 1]; Request not ...

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Calculate a Damped Sinusoid
The equation of a damped sinusoid can be written as |y = A.ⅇ^(-λt)*cos(2πft)| where |A|, |λ|, and |f| ...

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Find a Pythagorean triple
Given four different positive numbers, a, b, c and d, provided in increasing order: a < b < c < d, find if any three of them com...

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Make a random, non-repeating vector.
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- If you want to get a random permutation of integer...

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Side of a rhombus
If a rhombus has diagonals of length x and x+1, then what is the length of its side, y? <<>> ...

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Dimensions of a rectangle
The longer side of a rectangle is three times the length of the shorter side. If the length of the diagonal is x, find the width...

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Bottles of beer
Given an input number representing the number of bottles of beer on the wall, output how many are left if you take one down and ...

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Triangle sequence
A sequence of triangles is constructed in the following way: 1) the first triangle is Pythagoras' 3-4-5 triangle 2) the s...

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Whether the input is vector?
Given the input x, return 1 if x is vector or else 0.

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How to subtract?
*&plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn &plusmn* * Imagine you need to subtract one...

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Too mean-spirited
Find the mean of each consecutive pair of numbers in the input row vector. For example, x=[1 2 3] ----> y = [1.5 2.5] x=[1...

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Calculate BMI
Given a matrix |hw| (height and weight) with two columns, calculate BMI using these formulas: * 1 kilogram = 2.2 pounds * 1 ...

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Magic is simple (for beginners)
Determine for a magic square of order n, the magic sum m. For example m=15 for a magic square of order 3.

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Is this triangle right-angled?
Given any three positive numbers a, b, c, return true if the triangle with sides a, b and c is right-angled. Otherwise, return f...

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Area of an Isoceles Triangle
An isosceles triangle has equal sides of length x and a base of length y. Find the area, A, of the triangle. <<https://imgur...

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Side of an equilateral triangle
If an equilateral triangle has area A, then what is the length of each of its sides, x? <<>> ...

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Number of 1s in a binary string
Find the number of 1s in the given binary string. Example. If the input string is '1100101', the output is 4. If the input stri...

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radius of a spherical planet
You just measured its surface area, that is the input.

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Find max
Find the maximum value of a given vector or matrix.

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Verify Law of Large Numbers
If a large number of fair N-sided dice are rolled, the average of the simulated rolls is likely to be close to the mean of 1,2,....

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Getting the indices from a vector
This is a basic MATLAB operation. It is for instructional purposes. --- You may already know how to <http://www.mathworks....

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Distance walked 1D
Suppose you go from position 7 to 10 to 6 to 4. Then you have walked 9 units of distance, since 7 to 10 is 3 units, 10 to 6 is 4...

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Area of an equilateral triangle
Calculate the area of an equilateral triangle of side x. <<>> Image courtesy of <http://up...

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Length of a short side
Calculate the length of the short side, a, of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse of length c, and other short side of lengt...

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