read the text file
You can use the From Workspace block to read signal data from the workspace. Otherwise there is a From File block that reads sig...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1


Running/testing scripts on multiple Matlab/Simulink versions?
I do a lot of script and tool development for Matlab/Simulink. This involves supporting multiple versions of Matlab, usually fro...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



??? There is no block named 'SimPowerSystems/Extra Library/Control Blocks/Timer'.
I don't have R2010a installed, but will try to help. 1) Please ensure you have the SimPowerSystems toolbox installed. You can ...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

Where are Expected Outputs of Test Generation in Simulink Design Verifier?
This is a bug. I could not find a workaround other than to upgrade to a newer version of Matlab.

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

Simulink Report Generator XML Comparison Filtering
Just wanted to follow-up and mention that as of R2018b the MathWork's Simulink Comparison Tool does support fine-grained filteri...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

Find the name of last inport in sub-system
find_system(gcs, 'SearchDepth', 1, 'BlockType', 'Inport', 'Port', num2str(length(find_system(gcs, 'SearchDepth', 1, 'BlockType',...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert


How to get underlying numbers of enumeration?
I have a custom enumeration data type such as the one defined in the code below. How can I get the underlying integer values tha...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



Recognize Block in Simulink
a) Constant b) Display, with the Numeric Display Format parameter set to bank c) SubSystem If you have the model with these...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0

How to determine a broken connection in a test harness using a matlab script?
The following command will provide a list of line handles that are unconnected in the top-level of the model: lines = find_syst...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 0


How to programmatically rename Stateflow states that are grouped?
From the command window I would like to rename all states that are in a Stateflow chart. I'll use the following built-in model a...

mehr als 4 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



Get execution time of a Simulink model
I have a script on the File Exchange that does just this. You can also execute the model several times and get the min/max/mean ...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

Tic Toc Equivalent for Simulink
If you want to "tic toc" an entire model, there is this script on the File Exchange (full disclosure, I am the author): https://...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 3

How to get properties of Area Annotation in Matlab R2015a from Command Prompt?
a = find_system(gcs, 'FindAll', 'on', 'Type', 'Annotation', 'AnnotationType', 'area_annotation') Valid properties of annotation...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1

Turn a simulink model into a digraph
You may be interested in some functions provided by the Auto Layout Tool available on the File Exchange. Those provided in src/G...

fast 5 Jahre vor | 2


A Matlab implementation of the Key Word in Context (KWIC) system.

fast 5 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


How to change the foreground color of a block only, and not its output lines?
I am trying to color a very specific set of blocks in a model. When I change their ForegroundColor parameter (both via Context M...

etwa 5 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



How to find Matlab Function blocks in a model?
isMLfunction = strcmp(get_param(gcb, 'SFBlockType'), 'MATLAB Function'); See

etwa 5 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

How to install additional toolboxes in matlab r2012a?
Please see this answer from MathWorks:

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

How to get information on a Simulink.Signal data store?
A function will have its own workspace, so you will have to get the Simulink.Signal object from the base workspace first: % Get...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 1

| akzeptiert


How to change the color of labels in a Simulink project?
I have created a new "Utility" classification label in my Simulink project, so I can distinguish between the design files and ut...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 0 Antworten | 0




How to use Simulink's "Arrange" options programmatically?
Simulink has many useful functions in the context menu for arranging blocks in a model, as shown in the image below. Is it possi...

mehr als 5 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0



How do I delete the zeros from the matrix?
Instead of "-" the following function uses NaN. function B = removeMatZeros(A) B = []; for i = 1: size(A, 1) ...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

Why can't I find the model I need in the simulink?How can I get the demo?
R2016b was the last version of the Simscape Power Systems toolbox that includes the model you are looking for ( |power_dcdrive_d...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

Edit model context menu
function myOption(callbackInfo) selection = find_system(gcs, 'Type', 'block', 'Selected', 'on'); if isempty(selecti...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0

Reset autoroute on existing line
Unfortunately such a parameter does not exist. The only way I know to change the autorouting type would be to delete and then re...

etwa 6 Jahre vor | 0


gcls - Get current lines
The gcbs equivalent for lines.

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |


gcas - Get current annotations
The gcbs equivalent for annotations.

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1 Download |


How to set the Model History information programmatically?
The Model Properties > History tab allows you to uncheck "Read Only" and then make modifications to the "Created by" and "Last s...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 1



How to set the Model History information programmatically?
I ended up contacting Matlab Support for this. Some of these parameters are formatted based on another parameter. While the ...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 2

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Is there a list of all color long names?
Information on Matlab's color specification describes 8 basic colors and states that, "... long names are character vectors that...

mehr als 6 Jahre vor | 4 Antworten | 1



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