Arc Length Continuation Method: Numerical Method
equation_f = @(x, w) equation(x, w); % Function to calculate the residuals for each forcing [sol, iter] = nlsolver(equation_f, ...

24 Tage vor | 0

MCC USB-231 compatibility with Simulink
The USB-231 is not a supported device. The supported devices are listed at

24 Tage vor | 0

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Return of handle, which was selected with 'ButtonDownFcn'
function selected_object = sub_select(H) set(H, 'ButtonDownFcn', selected_object = @LineSelected) end That code attempts to c...

25 Tage vor | 0

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Logic statement error checking an array within a cell within a table
if 1 == ismember('pressure',settingsSet.podList(currentPod,VarNames).Properties.VariableNames) settingsSet.podList appears to b...

25 Tage vor | 0

Change a variable string to a normal variable
Please read fo...

26 Tage vor | 1

Live Script Controls in (For) Loop
Is there a way to create a dynamic input field using live script controls? No, there is no way.

26 Tage vor | 0

How to create a cell containing a cell array?
YourCellArray = num2cell(YourDataArray,2);

26 Tage vor | 0

MATLAB CST Interface in Linux
It is not possible to do on Linux. actxserver() is available only on windows COM functions are available on Microsoft Windows® ...

26 Tage vor | 0

Set breakpoint is not working in Method function file.
modelT = createpde("structural","transient-solid"); which reduce(modelT, 'FrequencyRange', [1 2]) That will tell you the name ...

26 Tage vor | 0

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I keep installing the Matlab MIN GW 5.3 compiler for Matlab 2017b, but it is showing as uninstalled. HELP
You have Visual Studio redistributable installed. You need Visual Studio C++ 2017 (any edition), or Visual Studio C++ 2015 (Prof...

26 Tage vor | 1

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How to solve Simultaneous equations
sympref('FloatingPointOutput',0); syms x y eqn1 = 4*x - 3*y == 0 eqn2 = 3*x + 2*y == 4 sol = solve([eqn1, eqn2])

27 Tage vor | 0

readtable csv with one column containing a field with commas
readtable(Logic_file, 'ReadVariableNames', true, 'Format', '%d%d%f%s%s%d%[^\n]','EmptyValue',0); This will handle columns with ...

27 Tage vor | 0

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Not getting a full image from raw data
x_range = min(x):max(x); y_range = min(y):max(y); That code assumes that most of the x and y are integers (or at least integer...

27 Tage vor | 0

Last color on legend does not match last color on stem plot, after manually setting color in for loops.
for n = 2:9 stem(n-1,y(n+1),'LineWidth',2.0, 'Color','#77AC30') end That generates multiple plot objects, each with green...

27 Tage vor | 1

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How do I solve a system using rkf45 method with shooing technique?
[eta, y] = ode45(@(eta, y) ode_system(eta, y, A1, A2, A3, A4, K_p, beta, Pr, k_f, k_hnf, Q, Ec), [0 eta_end], y0, options); ver...

29 Tage vor | 0

Not Enough Input Arguments
You tried to run the function by pressing the green Run button. Pressing the Run button has the effect of running the code witho...

30 Tage vor | 1

What changes should i have to make in my code to remove the error ("Error using contourf Z must be at least a 2x2 matrix.")
su = round(4*d/g)+1 ; Not enough information is given to be sure, but it looks like su is a scalar. If it is not a scalar, th...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Someone that works with symbolic variables?
When k = 4, size(char(sM1)) ans = 1 945926142 and it takes numerous minutes just to calculate the char(sM1...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

I want show population on plot like 36M, 37M....
Alternate solution: P = [3.6e7, 3.8e7, 4.1e7, 4.5e7, 5.0e7]; % just making up some numbers t = 1970:10:2010; ax = gca; plot(...

etwa ein Monat vor | 1

Does Matlab automatically vectorize for loops?
Years ago, I recall reading that Matlab automatically vectorizes for loops. I cannot find any such mentions now. Is this just ...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

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I am very new to MATLAB but I have to deliver an assignment. How do I solve matrix dimension issue in line 10 and 11.
Your ldf is 39360 x 1. Your ql is 1 x 3936. Select rows and columns out of those and you get 1 x 1 and 1 x 1. Use * to multiply ...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

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ERROR: Error using {} Variable index exceeds table dimensions. How to apply function to all cells/tables?
first_table = results_velocity_diff{1, 1}; % Initialize a cell array to store the results results = cell(1, width(first_table)...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Why I can't plot x = years , y = GDP
GDP.("YEARS") retrieves the field Years from the GDP object, and displays the result (because you have no semi-colon on the lin...

etwa ein Monat vor | 1

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Incosistency Precision Value (decimal double) When using strcmpi/contains
By default, string() of a double precision number gives a result to 5 digits of precision. a = 0.367265 string(a) To get more...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Hypergeometric functions(1F2) in matlab
In MATLAB, some of the parameters are implicit according to the length of the other parameters. function result = hypegeo(q, r)...

etwa ein Monat vor | 1

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convert double to signed int
Depending on how the input is stated... value = 0x9C40s16

etwa ein Monat vor | 1

integral of the besselj function
syms nu x result = int(besselj(nu, x), x, 0, 4*sym(pi)) Bessel J is a family of functions, distinguished by the value. You ca...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

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I have purchased the Signal Processing Toolbox but still get an error when trying to use a function
Depending exactly how you install the toolbox, situations can arise where a toolbox is installed but the license is not updated....

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Make only the highest values of grayscale image transparent
image(BackgroundImage); imageMax = max(YourGrayscaleImage(:)); alphaMask = double(YourGraycaleImage == imageMax); hold on ...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

Are functions called in parfor independent from each other
No, there will be a difference. Linear for loop uses a single random number stream (unless you deliberately change this.) parf...

etwa ein Monat vor | 0

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