Executing startup failed in matlabrc C:\vlfeat-0.9.16\toolbox\vl_setup not found.
I have no idea what vlfeat is/does but Google gave this < vlfeat>. The latest version is indicated as vlfe...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

I want to create a chain of inputdlg to proceed?
You will have to create your own version of the inputdlg box and set its callback to call another one. The matlab inputdlg waits...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

two listboxes in a GUI
Check if the tag of the second listbox is 'listbox2'. Also confirm if the second listbox has been created when you are trying to...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

how to access array of structures in simulink which are loaded from work space using preload fcn, updating the structure values in runtime and these updated values to be implemented in model?
Use: set_param( MdlName, 'PreloadFcn', YourFunction); this works during simulation as well. Similarly you can set the S...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

| akzeptiert

How to make push buttons in GUI that are unable to be pressed until another push button is pressed?
If you are using GUIDE: When your editing your GUI, double click on the component to get the property inspector. In it, set t...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Blank GUI figure handle? (noob question)
The _hObject_ is the handle to the object/component triggering the callback. Also the gui/figure handle would be probably in _ha...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to open data file by browsing it - MATLAB GUI
Is there a particular reason to both load and textscan the file ? While loading use the '-ascii' argument to force <http://www....

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

size of the text in matlab
In case of MS Windows: The Ctrl+/- command works in the Help documentation. The settings for fonts can be found at Home ta...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

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How can I open the "globalsearchnlp.m" function?
Because it's a pcode file. Its in matlabroot\toolbox\globaloptim\globaloptim\private. There is also an xml of the same name a...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to store a number of arrays in excel file?
Dim = size(data1); % output is [ m, n] Range = ['A1:',strrep([char(64+floor(Dim(2)/26)),char(64+rem(Dim(2),26))],'@',''),...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

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Pascal's Triangle
Given an integer n >= 0, generate the length n+1 row vector representing the n-th row of <

mehr als 11 Jahre vor

Why does Microsoft Outlook not like MATLAB's .MAT files?
What type of attachments are blocked depends on the internet policies of your company. I have personally not faced any problems ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to compare two vectors with numbers?
try < ismember>

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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trim cell array from known characters
Assuming a = {'AB XY';' , PO;';'SE , '} use regexprep( a, '[\s;,]', '') to remove spaces, semicolons a...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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How can I match a clock time to a variable?
In the callback for the button being clicked, update the data on the uitable using, TableData = get( handles.uitabletag, 'D...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Converting an array of string to an array of variables
Not sure I understand your question. Are you trying to create an array of the 'variables' array ? b(1:5)= {variables} % giv...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to reset a pushbutton activity by using another pushbutton one
If you are using guide generated gui, in the callback for the reset button use set(handles.pushbuttontag, 'Property', 'Pro...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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While working in GUI, how I can work with full screen?
You could set the 'Units' to 'Normalized' ensuring that when you expand the figure, all components on ur GUI resize accordingly....

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

reading in an edit text in gui
Refer these : < Examples>

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Creating variable whose name is part of a string
You could try this: eval([name, ' = 10'])

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

prompt line blocks access to figure
You could add a pushbutton to the plot figure or a dialog box maybe, indicating to the user that they can use that button/dialog...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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How to take output from another m file in gui?
Refer these : < Examples>

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Column names in data sheet
In your case test is a structure with three fields data, textdata and colheaders. Then again whether it is a matrix, struct or a...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Matlab GUI size problem
Try using the 'Units', 'Normalized' param-value combination for all GUI components including the GUI itself. This te...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

cellfun can not combines the outputs in arrays, even the outputs have the same size?
Yang, As per documentation on cellfun "UniformOutput 'true' indicates that for all inputs, each output from the function is a...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

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Initializing GUI through GUIDE
Your GUI fig file and the corressponding mfile are probably out of sync. Open a blank gui and try saving it as it is.

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Controlling For loop using matlab
Check the for loop counter when displaying the progress. You want to display progress only when counter is 1. Use this <http:...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

How to add a loop counter and respond to user input
When in doubt write a pseudo code: 1) Prompt user to enter something ( in ur case a number ) 2) Accept number from user ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 2

how to combine these 2 matrix
a = ones(10,400); b = ones(10,9); c = [ a, b]; % c is a 10x409 size matirx

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 1

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??? Undefined function or method 'isnan' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
The function stack is as follows: GGcall > kmeans > statremovenan The command wasnan = wasnan | any(isnan(y),2); ...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

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