
basic matrix operations: rotate and find sum of diagonal elements of the resultant matrix
For given input matrix a, rotate it by 90 degrees and find the sum of the diagonals. Example: Input: a = 1 ...

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Sum of unique multiples of 3 and 5
If we list all the natural numbers up to 15 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12 and 15. The sum of these mul...

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how many of the entries are positive?
Given x= sin(linspace(0,10*pi,100)), how many of the entries are positive?

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Pass the Threshold!!
Write a Matlab function that will take as input a matrix of arbitrary dimensions and a scalar threshold value, and return a vec...

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Transpose the Matrix
Transpose the given matrix, e.g. x=[a b;c d] transpose of x = [a c;b d]

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Find the maxmum value of N*N Matrix
Input x=[1 2 3; 4 5 6; 7 8 9] output: y=9

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vectors counting by 5
Create a vector with numbers from x_min to x_max in increments of 5.

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Where is the number that you want to find?
For a given matrix A, find where the input number x appears. Do this task by returning the vector which contains the row and th...

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Leap Year
According to Gregorian Calender(which is in use now, in many countries),decide whether a given year is a leap year or not. Give...

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Keep Only the Upper characters in a string
Keep Only the Upper characters in a string s = 'Sreeram Mohan'; output = SM;

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Reverse Concatenation
Suggest methods to form a Matrix after deleting one of the input's elements. Input should be element's position and output shou...

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Delete blanks at the end of string
you got to delete all blank spaces which appears at the end of string

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Count me in
Count the number of occurrences of the second input in the first input Ex. x1 = 12344455511; x2 =2; output = 1 ...

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Given the speed in miles per second, find the speed in miles per hour.

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Shift elements of vector left
Shift elements of vector to the left. For ex. : Input_vec = [1 2 3 4 5] Output_vec = [2 3 4 5 1]

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true or false
if the matrix has a zero, return true. else, return false

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Find the minimal value in N*N Matrix
Suppose that we have N by N matrix, we try to find the minimal value in that matrix. examples: Input A=[1 2 3 5 6;52 58 56 45...

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row removal
Consider a matrix and remove the first row of the matrix.

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Vector with a repeated entry
Create a row vector of length n, filled with 4's. For example, if n = 3, output = [4 4 4] Hint: Search for the function...

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ASCII code of a leter.
Given the letter, the output will show the corresponding ASCII code.

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Compare two strings.
Compare two strings, whether they are equal or not.

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Back to Basics - New Data Type in R2016b - convert a char to a string
Convert an char array into a string.

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row removal
Remove the nth row from input matrix M and return the resulting matrix in output N.

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Area of square
Find the area of a square whose diagonal length is given as x.

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Vector Multiplication
Vector Multiplication of three matrix as shown in test cases.

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Sum positive elements of matrix.
Calculate sum of positive elements of the matrix.

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Corresponding letter to ASCII code.
Given the letter, the output will show the corresponding ASCII code.

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Where is she?
Given the numbers 12, 3, 6, 9 Tell where the girl is located. That is: Look to your 3 o'clock = look right Example ...

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Calculate the number of elements in a matrix.
Calculate the number of elements in a matrix.

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raise 1/3
Raise a number to 1/3 power.

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