
Error handling
If the input is a negative number, generate an error. Otherwise, return the number.

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Aufbau principle
Given the order e=[1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s, 4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p], find a vector x with these condi...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Cat, Meowcat and Concatenation
Input is a cell array containing several strings. Find the largest continuous sub-string common to all strings. All strings are ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Change Vector Value
Change the element of the vector with respect to the element of the direction vector If the element of the direction vecto...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Function writing test
Tests your ability to write a trivial function.

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Average speed for the entire trip
The input is two speeds (for the trip and return trip) and output is average speed. Assume units are consistent, say miles per h...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


[Thermodynamics] Estimate boiling point of n-alkanes
Estimate the boiling point (in Kelvin) of n-Alkanes (n >= 2) using the group contribution method of Joback --- ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Find the same and successive values in a vector
Find the same and successive values in a vector. For example: Input x = [ 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 ] Start and end...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Beauty of Parentheses
Given a string consisting of closed parentheses, form a string array in the following way so that the orders of these parenthese...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Beauty of Parentheses
Given a string consisting of closed parentheses, form a string array in the following way so that the orders of these parenthese...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor | 5 | 33 Lösungsvorschläge


Find similar sequences
Another problem inspired by a question on the < answers> forum. Given a matrix ...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Clear all empty variables from the workspace
I want to clear all empty variables from my workspace. See tests suite.

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Dispatch and collect
Write a function that dispatches the single argument _x_ to multiple function handles (varargin) and concatenates vertically the...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


How Many Months Until It's Today Again?
Given a particular date, calculate how many months must pass before that same day of the month occurs on the same day of the wee...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Kurchan 5x5 - Optimal Score
Related to Problems 1646 and 2650, but bigger. Technically, all you need to do for this Cody problem is input a 5x5 matrix conta...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Kurchan 4x4 - Optimal score
Related to Problem 1646, but bigger. Technically, all you need to do for this Cody problem is input a 4x4 matrix containing the...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Ulam spiral 2: The revenge
Starting from the problem <>, transform the Ulam Matri...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


The Ulam Matrix
The Ulam spiral is simple to describe. On a gridded piece of paper, write down the number 1. Then write successive integers as y...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Higher! Lower!
My kids have started to play the "I'm thinking of a number between X and Y" game in the car on trips to and from their swim less...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Smallest and Largest Real Numbers
Complete the function by assigning minReal with the smallest positive double precision floating-point number, and maxReal with t...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Computing Wind chill
On a windy day, a temperature of 15 degrees may feel colder, perhaps 7 degrees. The formula below calculates the "wind chill," i...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Variable Assignment
Complete the ? part by assigning myExamScore with 100.

fast 10 Jahre vor


Flip the vector from right to left
Flip the vector from right to left. Examples x=[1:5], then y=[5 4 3 2 1] x=[1 4 6], then y=[6 4 1];

fast 10 Jahre vor


Convert to Binary Coded Decimal
Convert from decimal representation to < Binary Code Decimal> (or BCD) represen...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Find Excess 3 code of given decimal number.
Find Excess 3 code of given binary number. < Excess-3> In XS-3, numbers are represe...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Number of Flip Flop required in ripple counter
Find the number of flip flop required in ripple counter. If modulus of counter (N) is given find outnumber of Flip Flop (n) r...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Check transmitted data follow even parity (True or false)
Check transmitted data follow even parity (True or false) < Parity Bit> Say, '010...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Polite numbers. Politeness.
A polite number is ans integer that sums of two or more consecutive nonnegative integers. Politeness of a positive integer is a...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Shorten pathname
Given a pathname string, return a condensed version by replacing intermediate folders with '..'. *Example* If fullpat...

fast 10 Jahre vor


Solve Linear equations
Solve Linear equations Example: x+y=2 and x+2y=3, then x and y equal to 1.

fast 10 Jahre vor

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