
Number of cyles and fixed points in a permutation
A permutation can be constructed from one or more sets of elements in cyclic order. A permutation in a single row vector form ...

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GJam 2013 China Event: Happy Teams 100 Pairs
This Challenge is derived from < GJam 2013 China Bad Horse> partial...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


GJam 2013 China Event: Happy Teams
This Challenge is derived from < GJam 2013 China Bad Horse>. The pr...

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Count number of words in string
Count number of words in string E.g. 'hi', answer is 1 'hi hi', answer is 2 'I enjoy cody', answer is 3

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Create a "map" of 2D wavelet coefficients
Generate a matrix that for an image of size r*2^S by c*2^S indicates index of the wavelet subbands after <http://en.wikipedia.or...

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geometric progression
I've modified my < previous program> so that it n...

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Combine Cards to make 21
Given between two and six cards, e.g. A _ 3 _ 7 _ 6 _ 2 place one of the mathematical symbols (+,-,*,/) in the space betw...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


arithmetic progression
I've written a program to generate the first few terms of < arithmetic progr...

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Temperature Conversion Utility (Strings)
This is a follow-on problem to < Problem...

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Create different color vectors.
When producing figures with multiple lines on, you often want the lines to all be visible and different colors. Given the need f...

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Given two input, one matrix and one scalar number For example A is a matrix given A=[1 2 2 5 2 5 2 3 4 6 ...

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Obscured by Earth
Given two points in < ECI> reference frame, check wheather they are in line-...

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design a magic matrix without using the command magic.
Like magic(4) = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8; 9 6 7 12; ...

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Balanced Ternary Numbers: Easy as |, |-, |o
This problem concerns the so-called < balanced ternary> system for representing num...

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Time and Variable mapping and matching
There is a 6X5 cell array where * 1st column represents time values * 2nd and 3rd column represent variables and their value...

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Some Assembly Required
The input to this function is a matrix of real numbers. Your job is to assemble the rows of the matrix into one large row that ...

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Maximum Intra-Vector Swaps
This Challenge, based upon a contest in which Rokicki came in 2nd, is to find sequences containing 1:N that require maximum iter...

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Numerical Integration
Input * |x0|, a real number greater than 0 Output * |I|, a numerical estimate of the integral x0 / I...

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Hyperspectral Processing: Determine Material Components given a Hyperspectral vector
Given a hyperspectral data set and Reflectance Spectral Signature Library determine a pixel's component percentages. <http:/...

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Beginner's Problem - Squaring
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, square it by two and put the result in y. Examples: ...

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Vector parallel to plane?
Given the coefficients of the equation which defines a plane as follows: ax+by+cz=d, return a boolean indicating whether the 2n...

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Create incremental spiral WITHOUT USING EVAL or FEVAL
Constructions that use feval or eval are used to cheat with cody. This test-suite tries to avoid that trick. The goal of this...

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Minimum Distance between two N-sided Polygons
This Challenge is to determine the minimum distance between two non-overlapping polygons. The input is a cell array of two vecto...

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Minimum Distance Point to Segment
This Challenge is to determine the minimum distance from a 2-D line segment defined by two points to a point. The point is (p...

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modular arithmetic
Given three integers a,b and c, find the remainder when a^b is divided by c. Here, a^b will be well beyond the largest 64 bit in...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


modular arithmetic
Given three integers a,b and c, find the remainder when a^b is divided by c. Here, a^b will be well beyond the largest 64 bit in...

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Open coded lock.
Guess the <hint://fliplr(anchortext) password> or break the <2314/solutions/new#test_suite_body lock>.

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Finite Continued Fraction
Given an input real number x and a natural number n, output the row vector with the n first terms of the continued fraction. F...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor


Stock Data NETFLIX 2011
Analyze a set of data for Netflix's stock for 2011 minNetflix = Find the minimum value that the stock reached over the year....

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Cryptomath: Addition
W A I T + A L L --------- G I F T S equals: 9 6 0 8 + 6 7 7 --------- 1 0 2 8 5 Given str...

mehr als 9 Jahre vor

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