
give nth decimal place of pi
max 15th place after the decimal point is ok for now

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Scrabble Scores
Given a word, determine its score in < Scrabble>. The input string will always be provide...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Find the longest sequence of 1's in a binary sequence.
Given a string such as s = '011110010000000100010111' find the length of the longest string of consecutive 1's. In this examp...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Back to basics 22 - Rotate a matrix
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Rotate the input matrix 90 degrees counterclockwise (e.g. [1 2; ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


pressure to dB?
given x ratio of pressure, find corresponding y dB

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Bullseye Matrix
Given n (always odd), return output a that has concentric rings of the numbers 1 through (n+1)/2 around the center point. Exampl...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Which quadrant?
Given a complex number, output quadrant 'I' 'II' 'III' or 'IV' | II | I | ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Counting in Finnish
Sort a vector of single digit whole numbers alphabetically by their name, in Finnish. See the Wikipedia page for <http://en.wik...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Specific Element Count
Given a vector _v_ and a element _e_, return the number of occurrences of _e_ in _v_. Note: NaNs are equal and there may be n...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Implement a ROT13 cipher
Replace each character in string s1 with the character that is shifted 13 positions from it (wrap back to the beginning if neces...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Function Iterator
Given a handle fh to a function which takes a scalar input and returns a scalar output and an integer n >= 1, return a handle f...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Back to basics 6 - Column Vector
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input vector, output true or false whether it is a colu...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Is my wife right? Now with even more wrong husband
Again, as in "Is my wife right?" ( <> ), answer 'yes' r...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Alphabetize by last name
Given a list of names in a cell array, sort the list by the last name. So if list = {'Barney Google','Snuffy Smith','Dagwood ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Counting Sequence
Given a vector x, find the "counting sequence" y. A counting sequence is formed by "counting" the entries in a given sequence...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Tell me the slope
Tell me the slope, given a vector with horizontal run first and vertical rise next. Example input: x = [10 2];

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Find the alphabetic word product
If the input string s is a word like 'hello', then the output word product p is a number based on the correspondence a=1, b=2, ....

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Return a list sorted by number of occurrences
Given a vector x, return a vector y of the unique values in x sorted by the number of occurrences in x. Ties are resolved by a ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


So many choices
For inputs _n_ and _k_ (in that order), output the number of ways that k objects can be chosen from amongst n distinct objects. ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Which doors are open?
There are n doors in an alley. Initially they are all shut. You have been tasked to go down the alley n times, and open/shut the...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


All your base are belong to us
Find the base _b_ logarithm of the input decimal number _x_. Express the output as a decimal number. The first argument is the n...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Clean the List of Names
Given a list of names in a cell array, remove any duplications that result from different capitalizations of the same string. So...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Make a Palindrome Number
Some numbers like 323 are palindromes. Other numbers like 124 are not. But look what happens when we add that number to a revers...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Back to basics 1 - Saving
Covering some basic topics I haven't seen elsewhere on Cody. Given an input variable 'x', save it to disk in a file named 'co...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Indexed Probability Table
This question was inspired by a Stack Overflow question forwarded to me by Matt Simoneau. Given a vector x, make an indexed pro...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Make one big string out of two smaller strings
If you have two small strings, like 'a' and 'b', return them put together like 'ab'. 'a' and 'b' => 'ab' For extra ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Arrange Vector in descending order
If x=[0,3,4,2,1] then y=[4,3,2,1,0]

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Increment a number, given its digits
Take as input an array of digits (e.g. x = [1 2 3]) and output an array of digits that is that number "incremented" properly, (i...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Number of 1s in the Binary Representation of a Number
*Description* Return the number of 1s in the (unsigned integer) binary representation of a number. This function should be ab...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor


Program an exclusive OR operation with logical operators
Program an exclusive or operation *without* using the MATLAB function xor. Use logical operators like |, &, ~, ... instead. ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor

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