
N-th Odious
Given index n return n-th < odious number>.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Bell Number calculator
Calculate a vector of Bell numbers for sets up to length n. Bell numbers are the maximum number of partitions of a set. See the ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Polite numbers. N-th polite number.
A polite number is an integer that sums of at least two consecutive positive integers. For example _7 = 3+4_ so 7 is a polite...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Is this number Munchhausen Narcissistic?
In this problem, simply return 1 if a supplied number is Munchhausen narcissistic or 0 if not. Example 153 is narcissistic...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Smith numbers
Return true if the input is a Smith number in base ten. Otherwise, return false. Read about Smith numbers at <http://en.wikipedi...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Evil Number
Check if a given natural number is evil or not. Read more at < OEIS>.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Armstrong Number
Determine whether the given input n-digit number is Armstrong Number or not. Return True if it is an Armstrong Number. An n-D...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Find the 9's Complement
Find the 9's complement of the given number. An example of how this works is <

fast 8 Jahre vor


Narcissistic number ?
Inspired by Problem 2056 created by Ted. In recreational number theory, a narcissistic number is a number that is the sum of ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Compute Fibonacci Number
Compute the _n_-th Fibonacci Number f(0) = 0, f(1) = 1, f(2) = 1, f(3) = 2, ... f(42) = 267914296

fast 8 Jahre vor


Kaprekar numbers
Test if the input is a Kaprekar number: <>. Return a logical true or false. ...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Parasitic numbers
Test whether the first input x is an n-parasitic number: <>. ( _n_ is the second in...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Determine if a Given Number is a Triangle Number
*Description:* Determine if the elements of an input array are triangle numbers and return the result as an array with the sa...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Read a column of numbers and interpolate missing data
Given an input cell array of strings s, pick out the second column and turn it into a row vector of data. Missing data will be i...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Calculate the Levenshtein distance between two strings
This problem description is lifted from <>. The Levenshtein distance betwee...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Given two strings, find the maximum overlap
Given two strings s1 and s2, create a new string s3 which is as short as possible and contains both strings. If s1 = [1 2...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Integer indexing array: Weekend box office
The row array movieBoxOffice stores the amount of money a movie makes (in millions of $) for the 7 days of a week, starting with...

fast 8 Jahre vor


Logic variables
* Assign isAvailable with true.

fast 8 Jahre vor


Plot the gradient of a 2D or 3D function with arrows.

etwa 8 Jahre vor | 1 Download |



Longest Divisor Run
Given the vector a, find the longest run of consecutive numbers that can be evenly divided by the same number d where d > 1. ...

etwa 8 Jahre vor


DNA N-Gram Distribution
Given a string s and a number n, find the most frequently occurring n-gram in the string, where the n-grams can begin at any poi...

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Find the palindrome
Given the string a, find the longest palindromic sub-string b. So when a = 'xkayakyy'; you should return b = 'kayak';

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Fahrenheit to Celsius using multiple statements
°C = (°F - 32) x 5/9 * Write a statement that assigns fractionalMultiplier with 5/9. * Write a second statement that assign...

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Compute total cost
A soda costs 2 dollars. A taco costs 3 dollars. Write a statement that assigns totalCost with the total meal cost given the numb...

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Write an expression
Assigns finalResult with firstSample plus secondSample, squared, then divided by 3. Ex: If firstSample is 18 and secondSample is...

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Plus x: A first program
_Solve this problem in Mathwork's online Cody system._ Write a statement that assigns y with 5 plus x. Ex: If input x = 2,...

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Assigning a sum
* Write a statement that assigns numCoins with numNickels + numDimes.

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Circle area using pi
Write a statement that assigns circleArea with the circle's area given circleRadius. Use the built-in mathematical constant pi. ...

etwa 8 Jahre vor


Political Truth
This data is a representation of data taken from: The data is a normalized value of truthfulness for ea...

mehr als 8 Jahre vor


Why are the buttons in the "Mobile Robot Controller" App from the File Exchange not working?
When I use the < Mobile Robot Controller App> from the File Exchange I ...

fast 9 Jahre vor | 0 Antworten | 0



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