
Dominant Matrix - 01
A matrix is said to be diagonally dominant if for every row of the matrix, the magnitude of the diagonal entry in a row is large...

22 Tage vor


Rule of mixtures (composites) - lower and upper bounds (volumes)
The < rule of mixtures> is used in the mechanical design of composite structures to...

22 Tage vor


Count the Number of Undirected Cycles in a Graph
Given a symmetric adjacency matrix, determine the number of unique undirected cycles. For example, the graph represented by adj...

22 Tage vor


Print the date for a given number using Indian calendar reference
Print date for a given number in date reference is INDIAN calendar, not Christ's Birth The Vikram Samvat is said to have been...

22 Tage vor


Code Wheel
Create a function that offsets each value in a given string by a given amount. For instance, codewheel('hello',1) s...

22 Tage vor


Exponential decay
Many dynamic processes can be approximated as an exponential decay. This applies to radioactive decay, some chemical reactions, ...

22 Tage vor


Union Jack Matrix
Create a matrix of odd dimensions that has ones on both diagonals and dividing the matrix into 4 quadrants, resembling a square ...

22 Tage vor


Number Puzzles - 020

22 Tage vor


Say type of roots in quadratic equation
Given the coefficients of a quadratic equation, write a function that gives the output y='RealDifferent' if the roots are real a...

22 Tage vor


Draw a Diamond shape in ones Matrix with '0' s
Input will be odd numbers.The task is to make a Diamond shape in a ones matrix with '0's where the matrix will be a square matri...

23 Tage vor


Sum of diagonals
Compute the sum of diagonal elements of a square matrix and store the larger sum to s. Eg : a = [1 2 3; 2 3 4; 4 5 10] ...

23 Tage vor


PIN code II
A cell phones requires a PIN code to open which only includes numbers; how long (in terms of minutes) does it take to enter all ...

23 Tage vor


Find triangles from edge
First input is T, a Triplet list of indices -whom each row actually contains the three indices of a triangle vertices-. size(T) ...

23 Tage vor


Dice roll - lateral faces
For this problem, you will be provided with the values of a dice roll (regular six-sided dice). The number of dice will be at le...

24 Tage vor


Number Puzzle - 119

25 Tage vor


List numbers that are not squares
The numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, etc. are not perfect squares. Write a function to list the th term in ...

25 Tage vor


The last non-zero digit of a factorial
For given positive integer n, what is the last non-zero digit of n!? Example: factorial(11) = 39916800 Last non-zero d...

25 Tage vor


Given a Polyshape_01 (ps) Return its Perimeter, Area, and Centroid.
Return the perimeter (P) of a polyshape object, which is the sum of the lengths of its boundaries. Return the total area (A) of...

25 Tage vor


Compute the dispersion coefficient
A contaminant dumped or spilled into a river will move downstream with the flow, but it will also spread in the flow direction b...

25 Tage vor


Deriving a function using the difference quotient
Write a function that evaluates the derivative of a function in a given point using the well-know formula of the difference quot...

26 Tage vor


Extract Increasing Integers from Digit String
Given a string containing only digits, the function get_integers should return the list of increasing integers obtained by readi...

26 Tage vor


Determine if a Digit is Isolated
A digit is considered isolated if both its left and right neighbors are different from itself. For example, in the number 776444...

26 Tage vor


Creating a matrix by taking shifted copies of a given vector v as columns
This problem is the same as the problem 761 except that here we are testing it for any given vector ; a row or column vector. Th...

26 Tage vor


Draw the Greek letter 'α'
Given the dimensions of a matrix nRow and nCol where nCol > nRow, draw the Greek letter 'α' with 1's and 0's. You can consider t...

26 Tage vor


Find the Peak Particle Velocity on a ETL structure
PPV is a vibration parameter that can connect stress to a structure, it is measured in mm/s or mm/s-1. The higher the PPV the mo...

26 Tage vor


Gray Image

27 Tage vor


List the partitions of an integer
Several Cody problems deal with partitions of an integer, or the ways an integer can be written as the sum of positive numbers—...

27 Tage vor


area of a square
find the generic solution for an area of a square

27 Tage vor



28 Tage vor

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