How to build the Simulink structure of the MPC model?
The issue you're encountering during the "Cosimulate MPC Controller and Nonlinear Plant" step, particularly at the point of buil...

10 Monate vor | 0

Default LDA fitting algorithm used in fitcdiscr, classification algorithm used by predict, formula for DeltaPredictor property
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) in MATLAB, especially when using the fitcdiscr function, is a powerful method for both classi...

10 Monate vor | 0

When I use TCN+DDPG algorithm ,an error was reported at: trainingStats = train(agent,env,trainOpts); : There was an error executing the ProcessExperienceFcn.
The error message you're encountering, "Variables of this type do not support indexing with curly braces," is likely related to ...

10 Monate vor | 0

Is it possible to train a gaussian process regression (GPR) using input and output multidimensional arrays?
Given that you have 100 time series each with 10k data points and 20 characteristics, it seems that you may want to predict one ...

11 Monate vor | 0

Reinforcement learning agent not being saved during training
In MATLAB, when using the reinforcement learning toolbox and the train function, there is an option to save the agent when certa...

11 Monate vor | 0

[Reinforcement Learning] Deny an action already taken by the agent
It seems you want to prevent the reinforcement learning (RL) agent from taking an action that has already been taken in the curr...

11 Monate vor | 0

Clustering 3D data based on Euclidean distance turns out insufficient
Hierarchical clustering is a method that seeks to build a hierarchy of clusters based on a chosen distance metric and linkage cr...

11 Monate vor | 1

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IRDataCurve.bootstrap 似乎忽略了 'InstrumentBasis' 参数.
The MATLAB function IRDataCurve.bootstrap is used to create an interest rate curve from market instruments. The 'InstrumentBasis...

11 Monate vor | 0

BiLSTM Empty Backward Cell states and Hidden states
Although it might not be a bug, it might be a feature unique to MATLAB's handling of state updates in bidirectional LSTM (BiLSTM...

11 Monate vor | 0

Possible bug in regress when y and x are complex
The MATLAB function `regress` is not designed to handle complex numbers directly. When you pass complex numbers to `regress`, it...

11 Monate vor | 0

how to plot prediction and confidence interval for non-parametric distribution?
For non-parametric regression methods like ksdensity (Kernel Density Estimation) or quantile regression, the prediction interval...

11 Monate vor | 0

Is there a supported method for fully connected layers with dlarrays containing complex numbers (2021b)?
Deep Learning Toolbox in the 2021b release indeed introduced support for complex values in dlarray objects. However, certain ope...

11 Monate vor | 0

Fitness function in GA
To develop a fitness function from an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with two input variables and one output variable, you'll n...

11 Monate vor | 0

Creating discrete observation space for Reinforcement Learning
In reinforcement learning with MATLAB's Reinforcement Learning Toolbox, the `rlFiniteSetSpec` object is used to define a finite ...

11 Monate vor | 0

Definition of minimum and maximum values of each parameter in Definitive Screening Designs runs
The function you're referring to for creating Definitive Screening Designs (DSDs) in MATLAB from the MathWorks File Exchange gen...

11 Monate vor | 0

Using Latin Hyper Cube Sampling for Acquiring Multiple Replicates of an ODE
To use Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) for generating your parameter values instead of the uniform random numbers generated by ra...

11 Monate vor | 0

Understanding the NumStepsToLookAhead parameter in rlDQNAgentOptions (DQN-based reinforcement learning)
In Deep Q-Networks (DQN), the `NumStepsToLookAhead` parameter in `rlDQNAgentOptions` indeed refers to the use of n-step returns ...

11 Monate vor | 0

RL traning and reward
In MATLAB/Simulink, when working with reinforcement learning, you can save the training data (such as the agent's experience rep...

11 Monate vor | 0

Disable aoctool interactive pop up window
Unfortunately, aoctool does not have an inherent option to disable the pop-up window while still displaying the results within t...

11 Monate vor | 0

Forecasting/prediction multi step ahead with individual events (NARNET Neural Network)
When dealing with multiple time series datasets, such as your 300 different sets of XYZ acceleration during parabolic flights, a...

11 Monate vor | 0

Does anyone know why Warning: Error occurred while executing the listener callback for event TrainingUpdated defined for class nnet.guis.NNTrainToolModel: Invalid or deleted object. pops up when learning about neural networks?
The warning message you're encountering suggests that there is an issue with the MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox GUI or the object...

11 Monate vor | 0

Testing goodness of fit: P-value
When you get a NaN (Not a Number) result for the p-value from the chi2gof function in MATLAB, it typically indicates that there ...

12 Monate vor | 0

Best Post-Hoc method for Friedman?
When you have non-normally distributed data and you're using a non-parametric alternative to one-way ANOVA, such as the Friedman...

12 Monate vor | 0

fnval error for a struct spline function
The error message you're encountering in MATLAB indicates that the fnval function is not able to operate on the input provided b...

12 Monate vor | 0

function fnint with a spline
The error message you're encountering in MATLAB 7.10 suggests that the `fnint` function does not recognize the input argument as...

12 Monate vor | 0

LDA code for isolated word classification of speech recognition
Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) can be used as a technique for feature reduction and classification in speech recognition tas...

12 Monate vor | 0

Extracting information from confusion matrix, classificationLearner
When you're working with the Classification Learner app in MATLAB, you can indeed investigate where your classifier is making mi...

12 Monate vor | 0

Time Dependant GeometryFromEdges in PDE thermal analysis
Hi Jean, I understand that you want to know if time dependant geometry is possible for PDE thermal analysis. In MATLAB, using...

12 Monate vor | 0

FMP4 Error When Using VideoReader
Hi Brent, The error you're encountering suggests that MATLAB's VideoReader is having trouble initializing the reader for the sp...

12 Monate vor | 1

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Any ways for 2D surface fit with particle swarm optimization?
Hi Yunhyeok, I understand that you are trying to use particle swarm optimisation(PSO). The fit function itself does not direct...

12 Monate vor | 0

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