Compiling Matlab Code: it works in Matlab but not when compiled.
Not sure how you're 'inserting' the parameter but seems like you're passing the arguments from command line. If so then, all arg...

etwa 10 Jahre vor | 1

| akzeptiert

how to compile for mac from windows
This is currently not possible with MATLAB Compiler. You'd need access to a MAC machine where you can install MATLAB and MATLAB ...

etwa 10 Jahre vor | 0

What do I need to host Web applications containing code written in Matlab, on my site?
Since the server will be the place where the compiled MATLAB code will reside, you need to install the Matlab Compiler Runtime o...

etwa 10 Jahre vor | 0

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Compiled Matlab code crashes when /clr is not selected
mlf* functions "always" free the memory that is pointed to by the output mxArray* before overwriting the memory with the new val...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

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How to compile matlab code into .netlibrary?
You could get that error if you had the MATLAB Compiler product installed but do not have an available license. The following co...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

mex -setp "Unable to complete successfully"
No, you do not need MATLAB Compiler product to use the MEX function. If ">>mex -setup" is erroring out exactly the way you've me...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1

creating a 'console' application in Matlab 2013a for Mac
On non-Windows platform, the 'console' application is renamed as the 'standalone' application. More information can be found her...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

Is there any way to process .mrc files in MATLAB?
I am not sure if there is a function in MATLAB but you can try the following submission which was written by a third party vendo...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

unable to locate a C-compiler required by stateflow
You can try installing the Windows SDK 7.1 (although officially not supported on Windows 8, many have used it successfully). Ste...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

Regarding data exchange between excel & Matlab
you can try using the < Spreadsheet Link EX> toolbox. Basically, you can roughly ...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 1

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yprime.c mex linking error (windows 8.1, matlab R2013b, visual studio 2012)
Why are you following a two step process of first creating an obj file and then getting a .mexw64 file? Have you tried the follo...

mehr als 10 Jahre vor | 0

MATLAB compiled application XenApp.
The target environment for MATLAB Compiler generated applications should be one on which MATLAB is supported. Since MATLAB is no...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

Specifying a different mexsh
You can provide your custom options file via the -f flag: >>mex myFile.c -f % assuming t...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 1

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Plot a family of circles in 3D
The height is controlled by 'z' and not 'h'. In the first case, when r=1, z= 100*1*k (where k=ones(1, length(t))). If you want t...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Mex error with GNU Scientific Library
I think you need to provide the -I (capital i) flag along with MEX so that MEX can find the #include's present in niederreiter.c...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

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Matlab is no longer running the scripts i wrote that worked previously
The function LOAD is used to load variables from a MAT file into MATLAB workspace. If you intend to execute your matlab script t...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

compiling c-code in the windows 8 environment
Although Win SDK 7.1 is officially unsupported on Win 8, I have seen people successfully installing it and using it in MATLAB. B...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 0

Why my Windows Standalone Application doesn't work out as its original file?
open_system is an unsupported function which cannot be compiled. A list of supported/unsupported functions with various toolboxe...

fast 11 Jahre vor | 1

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How can I load an m-file into an executable file made by using mcc?
You can make the case.m file a part of the executable using the -a flag. For example: mcc -m mymainfunction -a case.m El...

etwa 11 Jahre vor | 0

how to eradicate Mex -setup error
Seems like you are facing an issue similar to one listed below:

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0

Error using mex (line 206) ,when selecting a C++ compiler. Using Win7 64bit, Matlab 2012a, and visual studio 2012.
Hi John, You are correct in mentioning that VS2012 is unsupported with MATLAB R2012a. Note that VS2012 was not launced yet when...

mehr als 11 Jahre vor | 0