Plotting trajectory from displacement/time history
It would be nice had you included some sample data, so I made up my own, I hope it is somewhat similar t = linspace(0,pi)';...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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speed up intersect, setdiff functions
If your sets aren't much larger than your example, and are indeed made up of positive integers, then those two functions here ca...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 7

Matlab can't solve this equation
First of, don't assign the output to |y|, that might lead to mix-ups, after all |y| is a dependent variable you might be using ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Breaking Down a Symbolic 15 x 15 Matrix
If there is no structure to your matrix, then I don't think there is much to be done by breaking the matrix into smaller pieces,...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Plot time series with irregular intervals and interpolate at regular intervals
You plot minutes vs. price by running (Assuming your data is in the variable |M|) plot(M(:,2),M(:,3)); With regards to t...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Converting output results to 00e+00 form
So that you can change the output format by issuing format STYLE in your case format shortE you probably knew. And...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

How to know the sequence of file in a large project
You could remove all the semicolons ";" from your scripts, in which case the result of every line will be printed into the comma...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Placing plots into multiple page pdf document
I don't think that Matlab can create multi-page pdfs for you, you'll have to do that yourself. pdfsam <> is...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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"For" loop output storage
Use a cell array, that is not the most elegant or efficient way, but definitely the quickest fix: Csystems = cell(10^4,1); ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How do I create a set of 20 random binary numbers (only 0 and 1) but such that 0 or 1 does not repeat 4 times in a row?
Create them step-by-step, and if you have 3 0 or 1 in a row, force a 1 or 0 for the next. What I mean: rbits = false(1,20);...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

solve() gives incorrect answer
I am astounded... So I am using 2011b on a Mac, but that shouldn't account for the differences. I am getting different results f...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Label 14 names in colorbar
Maybe I don't understand your question properly, but if I do, then you could do it like so: surf(peaks) c = colorbar; set...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

How to eliminate the lines that joins the discontinued points in a data?
How about this: lat= [ 35.47 35.51 35.54 35.58 35.61 49.23 49.25 49.26 49.28]; lon= [ 48.91 48.95 49.00 49.04 49.09 72.7...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2

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Simulink and simulation of logistic map
So the logistic map is |x(n+1)=r*x(n)*(1-x(n)) = r*x(n) -r*x(n)^2|. Using the Discrete SS block and a square, how about that de...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How to find positive x-root of this function?
Okay, in this line here: ea=abs((xr-xold)/xr)*100 |ea| is always going to be zero, since a few lines above, you assigned...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Axes labels (with differential dot)

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 6

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auto-run m-file without command prompt?
As a primitive workaround you could put the following in a *.bat file: Your_matlab_path\matlab -r "Your command" so for ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Question on plots i,e different line properties
Easiest would probably be to use an additional for-loop to fill figure{i}. Had you formatted your code I would have maybe been a...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

How to obtain PID controller co-effs as a function of time and o/p
As said above, your PID controller is now time-variant and maybe even nonlinear (depending on whether the gains actually depend ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

How to show multiple Y axis on a Parallel Coordinates Plot
It's not totally clear to me what exactly you want, visualizing 10-D data sounds impossible to me. Maybe you should post a minim...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Generate random numbers given distribution/histogram
Since nobody has any suggestions, here's one. If you have a discrete distribution, say it is a Nx2 matrix |PD|, first column the...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 5

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Conversion from State Space to TF and then back to State Space
Some points: Don't do "algebra" with |tf| variables, use the functions |series|, |parallel| and |feedback|. |sys_mimo1 = s...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How can I clear the workspace but not breakpoints?
Or clear variables which will clear all variables, but nothing else. See |help clear| for other possible keywords (one o...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

Putting random values in for loop
Do what Matt suggested: VV = floor(+1*120*sin(2*pi*(t-1)/40)); Then add your extra values into |VV|: VV = [VV(1) 1 5...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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" requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way"
Freshly installed MATLAB on Windows 7, 64Bit. * If I select the MATLAB shortcut in the Start Menu, I get a windows error say...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2 Antworten | 1



Extract a portion of vector
How about vector(vector(:,1)<20, 2) = NaN; Logical indexing...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

Latex Title in figure
From the Matlab help on Text Properties <> _Note: The maximum size ...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 1

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ismember function too slow
Don't you want to actually INTERSECT A and B? If so, then here's a very fast intersect function that intersects two sets of _pos...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 2

how to find non-numeric value from a matrix?
To compare strings, you'll need |strcmp| or |strcmpi|, depending on whether you want case sensitive or insensitive. >> tsh...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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facing problem to plotting surface plot from imported data
As a quick workaround, use plot3(x,y,ux,'.'); If you want to use surf or mesh because it looks prettier, then here is w...

mehr als 12 Jahre vor | 0

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