Export to a fixed width text file
Use sprintf / fprintf Here is an example of making everything 16 characters wide: A={'s09' 1111222003 321 'P' 'ehz';'z09...

fast 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How to do this programming
You don't actually want 5 different variables. You want to reshape the variable and index into it. Example: X = 1:20; ...

fast 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Question about optimizing reading data from text file
You may want to use fread and regexp. Without seeing your file, I can't say for sure this will produce the same result, but i...

fast 12 Jahre vor | 0

Reading/Finding data withing column
[~,ind] = ismember([1 1 0],constants(1:3,:),'rows'); constants(ind,4)

fast 12 Jahre vor | 0

How do I remove duplicates from a structure array?
It's not pretty, but this should work: isUnique = true(size(animals)); for ii = 1:length(animals)-1 for jj = ...

fast 12 Jahre vor | 2

How can I sort a matrix according to column IDs and identify same combinations?
*Accumarray* would come in handy here. It's a rather useful function, but might take a little bit of reading to understand it co...

fast 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Most efficient way to generate combinations
You can use allcomb (which can be found < here>) a = (1:20...

fast 12 Jahre vor | 0

Convert Cell to Number for Plotting
help str2double doc str2double

fast 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Sorting the name field in dir command
[~,ind]=sort({}); W = xlsFiles(ind);

fast 12 Jahre vor | 1


Recursive Directory Searching for Multiple File Specs
Searches a directory for multiple file specs with optional recursivity

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 1 Download |

Using conditional breakpoints to print out value
Yes sir. It takes a bit of creativity. Here's an example. Let's print out "Hi" each time mod(ii,2) == 0. iff(mod(ii,2),f...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 1

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scaling a vector from 352800x1 to 300000x1 by cutting last 52800 row elements?
x = rand(352800,1); x(300001:end) = []; size(x)

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

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Speeding up code: pre-allocation, vectorization, parfor, spmd....
It's really hard to say what exactly you can do without knowing the nature of what is inside those for-loops. Some ideas come...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 1


Trimming the Size of a Array of Structures in a MEX file
Hi all. So i'm having a bit of an issue array of structures in a MEX file. I first initialize the array of structures to size...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 1 Antwort | 0




Output any real number that is neither positive nor negative
Output any real number that is neither positive nor negative

etwa 12 Jahre vor


Target sorting
Sort the given list of numbers |a| according to how far away each element is from the target value |t|. The result should return...

etwa 12 Jahre vor


Candystripe a Plot and Legend
Adds candystriping to a given object, and automatically updates the legend entry as well.

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 3 Downloads |


what will be value of 'b' when 'a' is equal to 0(zero)
help interp1 doc interp1

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

That sounds like its in Universal Trans Mercator (UTM) coordinates. There are a few utm to geodetic coordinate transforms availi...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

How to import a country map with counties and have Matlab recognize the various counties?
Assuming you have the mapping toolbox, you could just import it via a shape file. They can be found below: <ftp://ftp2.census...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 2

logical indexing with a smaller array should throw a warning
This is an interesting proposition. While I'm very much against throwing an error in this case, I would be open to having a warn...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

How to: Axis Xtick steps
xbounds = xlim; set(gca,'XTick',xbounds(1):xbounds(2));

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 7

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Problems with xlsread function
I can't seem to recreate the problem. Try clearing and closing everything: values = {1, 2, 3 ; 4, 5, 'x' ; 7, 8, 9} head...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

passing 'varagin' and getting inputname() to work properly
You could use "evalin" In your example it would be something like: function struct = temp( varargin ) struct = ...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

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How can I increase the size of data points in a discrete plot
Try the property MarkerSize. if true fig = open('myFig.fig'); hold on plot(xdata,ydata,'xg','MarkerSize',16); e...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 1

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A bug of build-in function Char?
This is where MATLAB differs from C. C will assume that 0 is the end of the string. MATLAB has explicit start and end points of ...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 1

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Using vertcat on multidimensional array data
x = rand(55,365,100); x_new = reshape(permute(x,[ 1 3 2 ]),5500,[]);

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 3

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What is the code?
skewness is simple 2 divided by the square root of the shape parameter for gamma distributions. Here's an example. skewness...

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

how to detect folder address
You might consider mfilename pathh = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')) help mfilename doc mfilename

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 0

I'm trying to find if certain points are inside or outside a polygon
help inpolygon doc inpolygon

etwa 12 Jahre vor | 2

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