
Must be in the front row...
You are given a matrix followed by a single number. Your object is to write a script that will shift the matrix around so that ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Go to the head of the class!
You're given a matrix and a single number. If that number is in the matrix, reorder the matrix so that number is in the first r...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Numbers spiral diagonals (Part 2)
Inspired by Project Euler n°28 and 58. A n x n spiral matrix is obtained by starting with the number 1 and moving to the right ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Diagonal of a Spiral Matrix
Write a function that will return same output as diag(spiral(n)). The only exception is that spiral and diag functions are not a...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Triangular matrices in 3D array
Given a 3D numeric array _x_, return an array _y_ of the same size in which all entries to the right of the main diagonal are ze...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Numbers spiral diagonals (Part 1)
Inspired by Project Euler n°28 et 58. A n x n spiral matrix is obtained by starting with the number 1 and moving to the right...

fast 3 Jahre vor


BULLSEYE Part 2: Reference Problem 18 BULLSEYE
Given n (always odd), return output a that has concentric rings of the 1s and 0s around the center point. Examples: Input ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Energy of a photon
*&#9883 &#9762 &#9883 &#9762 &#9883 &#9762 &#9883* Given the frequency F of a photon in giga hertz. Find energy E of this...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Return the Fibonacci Sequence
Write a code which returns the Fibonacci Sequence such that the largest value in the sequence is less than the input integer N. ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Alternating sum
Given vector x, calculate the alternating sum y = x(1) - x(2) + x(3) - x(4) + ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Sum of first n terms of a harmonic progression
Given inputs a, d and n, return the sum of the first n terms of the harmonic progression a, a/(1+d), a/(1+2d), a/(1+3d),....

fast 3 Jahre vor


Write a function man that takes a row vector v and returns a matrix H as follows..
Write a function called man that takes a row vector v as an input and returns a matrix H whose first column consist of the eleme...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 8, Find largest product in a large string of numbers
Find the greatest product of five consecutive digits in an n-digit number. 73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 4, Palindromic numbers
A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 5, Smallest multiple
2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder. What is the smalle...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 9, Pythagorean numbers
A Pythagorean triplet is a set of three natural numbers, a b c, for which, a^2 + b^2 = c^2 For example, 3^2 + 4^2 =...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 7, Nth prime
By listing the first six prime numbers: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, and 13, we can see that the 6th prime is 13. What is the Nth prime nu...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 3, Largest prime factor
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29. What is the largest prime factor of the number being input, input might be ui...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 10, Sum of Primes
The sum of the primes below 10 is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17. Find the sum of all the primes below the input, N. Thank you <http:/...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Project Euler: Problem 6, Natural numbers, squares and sums.
The sum of the squares of the first ten natural numbers is, 1^2 + 2^2 + ... + 10^2 = 385 The square of the sum of the first ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Matrix of Multiplication Facts
This is James's daughter again, sneaking into his Cody account. Thanks to your help in my math class last year, I did great! B...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector
Find the sum of all the numbers of the input vector x. Examples: Input x = [1 2 3 5] Output y is 11 Input x ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Hankelize a matrix
Similar to < Problem 42501. Toeplitize a matrix>, ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Matrix multiplication across rows
Given matrix m, return matrix n such that, rows of n are result of multiplication of the rows of the input matrix Example ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


matrix zigzag
Unfold a 2-D matrix to a 1-D array in zig-zag order, e.g., for matrix [ 1 2 3 ; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9 ] the resulting 1-...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Magnet and Iron
(Inspired from < Problem 112: Remove the air bubbles>) Iron (atomic n...

fast 3 Jahre vor


Remove the air bubbles
Given a matrix a, return a matrix b in which all the zeros have "bubbled" to the top. That is, any zeros in a given column shoul...

fast 3 Jahre vor


subtract central cross
Given an n-by-n square matrix, where n is an odd number, return the matrix without the central row and the central column.

fast 3 Jahre vor


Toeplitize a matrix
Similar to < Problem 3094. Hankelize a matrix>, now ...

fast 3 Jahre vor


A matrix of extroverts
Now that the introverts have had their script, the extroverts spoke up (naturally!) and demanded one as well. You will be given...

fast 3 Jahre vor

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