Imprecise Basic operations
See: Welcome to the world of floa...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 2

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Specify columns inside a for loop
You are only checking of the data within any given column is between 1 and 8, which isn't what you describe to be wanting. Ju...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0

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Writing variable as filename using csvwrite
Try writing: csvwrite(filename,A); %without quotes

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0

dilation of specific objects
First, I would label regions in your image: bwl = bwlabel(img,8); Area of regions: a = regionprops(img,'area');...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0

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Counting number of zeros in column or row, without looping
Given A: idx = A~=0; c = sum(idx,1); r = sum(idx,2);

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1

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Getting data values from a plot
User interpolation x = [1 2 4 5]; y = [1 3 4 9]; xi = x(1):.01:x(end); %values between x yi = interp1(x,y,x...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0

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Manipulation of different size of matrices with strings and numbers
Look up the documentation for CELL, it might suit your needs. doc cell In regular matrices, you cannot mix data ty...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 2

montage function
The montage function allows you to input your own path to images that you want to use. doc montage Example, if the pictures...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1

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I want a button to be pressed in MATLAB GUI when Enter key is pressed. How to do it?
I do something similar to this. Use keypress functions, and check to see if the current character being pressed is the enter key...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 1

Sorting Cell stucture with different data types
How about this one: [d ix] = sort(C{12}); newC = cellfun(@(x)x(ix),C,'un',0);

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0

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Last Axes Display Image
You have a scope issue. Try doing this instead (note the "end"s) function Axes N.fh=figure('unit','pix',... 'Position',[40...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 2

Challenge - Change my avatar colors
My "spy" command gives me a picture of a dog: spy To change the background and outline color in one shot: whitebg To c...

mehr als 13 Jahre vor | 0

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